New York Times Notable Books: Churchill’s a Nasty Drunk, Ted Kennedy’s a Hero!

Leftists in the New York Times Book Review You aren’t quite as shameless as you might think. The Washington Postby using the “Notable Books” of the year to encourage books from their staff. Andrea Elliott, the Nonfiction Half’s only winner. Invisible Child: Survival, Poverty and Hope in America’s CityThis doesn’t mean the result was not dramatic to the left.

The latest Ted Kennedy book was a favorite of theirs. Liberals love him as a historic figure!

The Liberal Hour and Edward Kennedy: Catching the Wind Neal Gabler

Gabler tells how the Kennedy youngest brother was raised by Gabler To overcome ridicules and scandals, he became one the most powerful senators in U.S. History.Ted Kennedy sponsored almost 700 bills in his five-decade career, many of which became laws. He also left an imprint on hundreds more.

Teddy made history by “overcoming ridicule” and “overcoming scandal”. However, the Times suggested that Winston Churchill should be thrown out as a drunken and bad father similar to Ted Kennedy. Churchill was “a masterful mythmaker.” Teddy had always relied on the Liberal Media for his mythmaking. 

Churchill’s Shadow: The Life and Afterlife of Winston Churchill Geoffrey Wheatcroft 

Wheatcroft’s Churchill led Britain heroically during World War II, but at other times in his life, as recounted in this revisionist biography, He was an Imperialist, racist, drunk, neglectful father, and most importantly, a Masterful Mythmaker.

Every “notable” book online had links to sales. This list didn’t contain any conservative authors. There would be exposes from the “far right”.

The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power By Max Chafkin 

Chafkin, in this highly reported book, paints an eerily disturbing portrait of Peter Thiel, the billionaire entrepreneur and Donald Trump supporter. He traces his rise through Silicon Valley’s moguls, as well as his acceptance of Donald Trump. Extreme-right causes, beliefs.

The champion of far-left causes like the rioting in cities was the New York Times Book ReviewNPR also promoted this writer earnestly, just like the author.

America on Fire: Untold History Of Police Violence and Black Rebellion since the 1960s By Elizabeth Hinton 

Hinton records hundreds of violent protests in cities by Black Americans that began around the middle 1960s as police became more aggressive. Such protests must be understood, she posits, not as riots but as “rebellions” against racial injustice.

It is fascinating to see the TimesYou can talk to Americans about “Every Day Is January 6 Now,” but Americans will be influenced by authors who would like left-wing rebels to be called “rebellions.” You could help them with their PR! 

Randall Kennedy (black Harvard professor) was also featured in the book, Say It Loud! Clarence Thomas was called a “talented con man” by the group. Wait! There was a surprise at the end of Nonfiction recommendations. 

Woke Racism: What a New Religion has Done to Black America John McWhorter 

McWhorter, a Black liberal who dissents from much of the left’s views on race, argues against the position that racism and white supremacy are “baked into” the structure of American society.

Perhaps it isn’t so unexpected after all. You can see McWhorter’s newsletter review. New York Times subscribers. Make sure to get two Notable Books Plugs Times writers.

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