New Video Points to ‘Confederate’ at Youngkin Rally Being Another Democrat Scam – Opinion

Glenn Youngkin’s popularity in Virginia has increased, and so have the accusations against him. Democrat operatives armed in tiki-torches attempted to portray Youngkin last week as a white supremacist. The Lincoln Project claimed credit for this stunt, and they promised to continue what they were doing.

They kept their word.

Yesterday night’s media hoax involved Glenn Youngkin. A man wearing a denim jacket with a confederate flag on the back was photographed at Youngkin’s final rally by multiple “journalists,” all taken at perfect angles where you couldn’t try to identify who it was.

However, the video gives new insight into the character of this person and further challenges the belief that this is a Youngkin voter.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but what you see is the man walking around the crowd, seemingly purposely letting others get in front of him. He positions himself in front the journalists. The woman wearing the cowboy hat in black comes running alongside him. The man walks off with another coat under his arm. This was likely to conceal the confederate patches until he could show it to the media. After completing his deed, the man bails.

Yes, I’m speculating, but I’d bet a lot of money this was another paid Democrat operative. His entire appearance is too easy. You can see the flip in his mullet. He also has the new cowboy cap. The entire thing sure looks like some left-winger’s caricature of a racist redneck.

The media didn’t stop them from continuing to use it. They take photos in the video but they don’t attempt to get details or question the man. Youngkin was smacked yet again by the gang. They are truly terrible in mainstream media.

However, the entire thing was very weak. It’s not what Democrats have come up. But maybe I’m giving them too much credit?

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