New Report Says Russians Shot Down Their Own Plane

Seems the Russians are not having as easy a time in Ukraine as they had been led to believe — or at least hoped — they would. Vladimir Putin the leader of Russia hasn’t been thrilled by this, and I couldn’t agree more.

Now, I’m well aware my previous articles and thoughts about the Russian invasion of Ukraine might not sit well with some folks and I’m fine with that. My feelings on this matter are not going to get hurt by some people’s bubble being burst about bio labs, nazis, or ethnic Russians being mistreated. these are some of many lame reasons being used to justify Putin’s immoral, ill-advised, and unjustified invasion. Oh, and as I wrote right here — Trump Is Being Betrayed by Anyone Who Says They Support Both Him and Putin’s Invasion — if you are a Trump supporter, you are not doing the former President any favors with your excuses.

Yes, he does know more than you do about these things.

My friend StreiffHis writings have been extensive on the subject. I was particularly interested in his recent article, which coincides perfectly with one that I came across from The Washinton Examiner. Here was Streiff’s latest Putin Clueless and Misinformed About Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, Says US Intelligence. From that article…

The Russian invasion is not perfect.

*They attacked over too wide of a front with too many objectives and too few forces to accomplish the tactical missions if they met with armed opposition.

*They assumed away the fighting qualities and spirit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

*They assumed away the possibility that the Ukrainian people might not welcome them.

*Because they assumed away the capabilities of their enemy, they didn’t adequately plan for refueling, rearming, and maintenance of their combat vehicles or sustaining their troops. As I’ve noted, the chances of a Russian soldier surviving his wounds are the same as in World War II (Russia Calling 100,000 Reservists to Active Duty and Moving Wagner Group From Syria to Deal With Ukraine Manpower Crunch).

It seems clear that Russia bought its own B.S. They turned it out to be their PR machine. This is dangerous especially when you consider the possibility of engaging in war. It is important to have rational people who can give rational analysis, not just feel-good B.S. Make the Top Man Happy

As a follow-up to what Streiff mentioned above, it is now known that the Ruskies not only have trouble resupplying troops but also shot down one their planes.

The following are the Washington Examiner

Fleming also suggested that Russian troops face a lack of morale and weapons. A senior U.S. defense official told reporters that morale was “flagging” about two weeks ago.

“We’ve seen Russian soldiers, short of weapons and morale, refusing to carry out orders, sabotaging their own equipment, and even accidentally shooting down their own aircraft,” Fleming continued.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the department could “concur” with the reports, citing an anonymous U.S. official that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being “misinformed by his advisers” about how poorly the war in Ukraine is playing out on the battlefield.

The White House corroborated the reports as well Wednesday, with communications director Kate Bedingfield saying, “We believe that Putin is being misinformed by his advisers about how badly the Russian military is performing and how the Russian economy has been crippled by sanctions because his senior advisers are too afraid to tell him the truth.”

Now, I know that some people are going to say, “Well, we just can’t trust the media,” and that is a good base model to follow. You should question all media reports, messages, and statements. You will be provided with a link by a trusted media outlet, even if they dismiss any reports that the Russian army is in trouble. Yet, if we can’t trust the media, then what is the standard that these people use to say that what they’re providing is factual as opposed to what anyone else is? It is quite absurd to use blanket statements as if you have enlightened your reasoning.

Vladimir Putin is clearly buying his own B.S. He has eaten more than he can chew, and is only now coming to terms with this.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, has never been able to stop eating more than he can chew. Biden is a master at being wrong on policy matters, which I have written about earlier in the day. A Former Obama-Biden Official Admits that President Biden is having a problem at our Southern Border.

Putin still has the time and resources to reverse his course and pull out of Ukraine. This would be a sign that Putin has rethought the matter and realized his mistake. It would also help Russia rebuild its relationships with the rest the world.

If he refuses to do this, then he may very well go down in history as Russia’s own unique version of Joe Biden. Maybe they could share vanilla ice-cream and ideas on how to screw your nation up if that occurs.

Side note: Two of RedState’s fellow writers are recommended if you truly want to learn more about current foreign policy issues. You can check out Dennis SantiagoThese and other factors are also included in the above Streiff. You will be surprised at the things that you discover.

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