New Poll on Biden/Trump Rematch Just Might Make Joe Pull His Hair Out – Opinion

Biden might be tempted to pull out his hair (plugs and all), after a new poll shows how Donald Trump would fare against Joe Biden.

The I&I/TIPP poll was limited to people who voted in the 2020 election. Voters were asked “If the presidential election were held today, and the following were the candidates, for whom would you vote?” The choices were “Donald Trump,” “Joe Biden,” “Other,” or “Not sure.”

According to the poll, Trump leads across the nation – if today’s election took place. According to the poll, Trump is leading in all key demographics and beating Biden except for North East.

Trump is leading in the Midwest (44.9 vs. 44.9%), South (44.6 vs. 45.8%) and West (42.4% Vs. 39.7%). Trump is ahead in the Northeast, 53.6% vs. 39.1%.

Trump leads Biden in the 45-64 age group (45.8% supports Trump vs.41.8% Biden), 65+ (50.9% vs. 41.9%), women (444.9%) Whites (50.2% (vs. 44.9%), Whites (54.2%) vs. 38.4%), Independent voters (46.2% (vs. 36.9%), suburb voters (47%.4% vs.39.4%), rural voters (54.8%.vs. 37.2%) and women (52.2% of 40.0% vs.2%

Trump also saw significant improvements even among the people who supported Biden in October. Trump gained support from Black voters by moving up to 18.1% in September and 20.3% October.

Trump’s gains among Hispanic voters were impressive, rising from 24.2% up to 38.8%. That’s more than the 33% of the Hispanic vote that Trump garnered in the 2020 election

Moderates, frequently identified with independents or other key swing voters added 5.8 percentage points on top of their overall Trump support, going from 32.4% down to 38.2%.

This was a significant shift in the voting habits of married women who are often considered to be a highly influential group. They voted 42.4 percent for Trump and 42.4% for Biden. They gave Trump 53.2%, while Biden received only 40%. This is a significant swing.

Clearly, there are a lot of Democrats or other people who voted for Biden who are experiencing buyer’s remorse.

Now, even though Trump is beating him in most regions, Biden still holds a slim lead in total numbers, 45% to 44%, 6% choosing “other” and 5% saying “not sure.” But the momentum is all for Trump and Biden is still dropping. In September, he lost 1.2 points and Trump gained 1.8. People will remember Trump’s good times more than the Biden issues.

Also, the simple principle that many polls are biased toward Democrats means that Trump is most likely to receive a higher final number than it may show.

The data come from the October I&I/TIPP Poll of 1,308 adults was conducted online from Sept. 29 to Oct. 2 by TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence, I&I’s polling partner. This story was based on 955 Americans that voted in 2020. They also revealed their 2020 votes. For the analysis, there is an error margin of +/-3.3% percentage points.

This poll is consistent with other polls showing Biden’s approval cratering. Gallup showed that Biden suffered the greatest drop in favorability among all of his predecessors since World War II. Ten polls have shown that the RCP’s mean favorability fell from 54.9 to 42.3 percent. Quinnipiac polls had only 37% of respondents saying that they approve, and 52% disapproving. That’s his lowest percentage yet and he is deeply under water. As we reported again this morning, he’s still sliding with independents and Hispanics, and now Democrats, as well.

Can the slide go on? Joe Biden keeps showing there’s always another low he can hit.

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