Last Friday, a radical pro-abortion group offered a location bounty on the whereabouts of conservative Supreme Court Justices. The networks ignored the threat and despite numerous firebombings. Instead they promoted proabortion rallies, and an executive Order from Joe Biden.
On Friday morning, Shutdown DC, a group that organizes for “justice,” put out an informational bounty on the location of the conservatives on the Court:
As Fox News explained on Friday, “Twitter prohibits any user from encouraging or calling for others to harass an individual or group of people, according to its rules and policies document.” Yet somehow this tweet is still up, three days later.
The move came after Brett Kavanaugh had to be forced from a steak house and harassed. The Supreme Court was not mentioned on the ABC, CBS or NBC night newscasts. They were only covered for eight, nine, and nine seconds, respectively, last Friday. This threat is not being mentioned even once.
Instead, Evening NewsRobert Costa, journalist, pressed Vice President about whether conservatives should be removed from the Court.
Senators suggested Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh may have misled them in the Roe V. Wade confirmation hearings. Some Democrats call for these justices’ impeachment. Are you convinced they should be impeached
NBC Nightly News reporter Kelly O’Donnell wasn’t interested in threats against the justices. Instead she was focused on Joe Biden’s accomplishments.
The President signed today an executive order under pressure from angered Democrats, who are fed up with the government’s treatment of abortion rights. It’s a modest step, however, the White House says. Although the President has limited ability to act, He escalated his criticisms of the conservative majority on court.
World News Tonight’s Whit Johnson ignored the danger justices could be in and focused on pressuring Democrats to do more to protect abortion: “The President blasting the majority decision, calling the Supreme Court out of control. With nearly all abortions now ceased in 14 states, the White House is under growing pressure to protect abortion rights.”
This shouldn’t be a surprise, sadly. These same networks in June refused to say the name of the terrorist group Jane’s revenge, a radical pro-abortion organization that is behind fire bombings and arson attacks against pro-life organizations.
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