While Americans are struggling to pay to fill up their vehicles to get to and from work and buy groceries to feed their families, with each passing day, things get more and more expensive because of the forty-year high inflation spurred by the Biden administration’s reckless spending, yet according to Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary, you think you are worse off than you really are and you need to “calm down and back off.”
On Wednesday afternoon’s Chris Jansing Reports MSNBC, Chris Jansing invited Singletary, who claims to be an expert in personal finances to answer questions about why Americans prefer a recession to high inflation.
“There’s a new poll out by Politico Morning Consult that I think is quite revealing. It shows 38 percent of Americans say they would rather see a recession than the inflation that we’re dealing with” Jansing said.
“I read that to mean more than a third of Americans are so pressed by what they’re having to pay for gas, for food, everyday items, rent, that they’d rather see a recession” Jansing added. “Is that where we are right now?”
Singletary responded by admitting that what she was about stating would be controversial, but still said it:
It’s okay, I just want to tell you this. It doesn’t matter if it makes me feel guilty. Many Americans are uncomfortable with the fact that they spend more but will not go broke. It’s time to not complain when so many Americans are living at the rate of inflation, meaning they have only two meals per day. There have been Americans who are doing exceptionally well over the last two year in the market. It’s still your job. It’s more expensive to you for gas but you still plan on taking that vacation, the Fourth of July holiday. It’s still possible to eat out. You can still eat out. It feeds into fear, which then feeds into fear.
After that elitist and frankly offensive commentary, she asked people to “stop looking at your portfolio” and use that energy “to help put some food on the table of somebody else’s house because you have extra.”
She then doubled down on her flat-out false claim that Americans aren’t suffering from inflation: “overall, many Americans are not suffering as much as they think they are, and we can think things into existence because we are unrealistically fearful of something that hasn’t happened yet.”
Every available economic and polling data points to the contrary, including Jansing’s Politico poll before her heartless rant.
Unfortunately, the leftist media have decided the only way for the Democrats to hold onto power is to gaslight Americans into believing that economic conditions aren’t as bad as they believe. Who do you believe? Michelle Singletary or the lying bank account of yours?
Walmart and Subway made this appalling display economic ignorance possible. You can link their information to let them know what kind of programming you fund.
To read the relevant transcript of this segment, click “expand”:
MSNBC’sChris Jansing reports
EasternCHRIS JANSING This poll shows that 38% of Americans prefer to see the economy go under than inflation. That means that more than one third of Americans feel so pressured by the price they have to pay for gasoline, food and rent that they would prefer a recession. Are we in that place right now?
MICHELLE SILENTARY: This is all I am going to say. Even if that means I binge for it, that doesn’t bother me. Many Americans are uncomfortable with the fact that they spend more but will not go broke. It’s time to not complain when so many Americans are living at the rate of inflation, meaning they have only two meals per day. There have been Americans who are doing exceptionally well over the past two year in the marketplace. It’s still your job. It’s more expensive to you for gas but you still plan on taking that vacation, the Fourth of July holiday. It’s still possible to eat out. You can still eat out. It feeds into fear, which then feeds into fear.
If you are in this category, don’t worry. Look at your portfolio. You know what you could do with that extra energy. If you’re able to spare some energy, please help others. The other half of America needs our help. We should do everything we can to support them in getting to where they are supposed to be. It’s understandable that many people are fearful of what they might find out. Overall, Americans don’t suffer as much as they believe. We can imagine things to be because we fear something too unlikely.