Mozilla Posts ‘Privacy Warnings’ For Period and Pregnancy Tracker Apps

Mozilla made clear its position on abortion.

The company posted a blog on Wednesday stating that it had reviewed 25 pregnancy and period tracker apps. Mozilla warned that 18 of the 25 apps “have opaque privacy protection.” The apps have a warning label of “*Privacy Not Included.”

Mozilla expressed concerns about government using technology apps information to prosecute women who have had an abortion illegally. However, there’s no evidence of state governments doing this.

“Companies collecting personal and sensitive health information need to be extra diligent when it comes to the privacy and security of the personal information they collect, especially now in our post-Roe vs Wade world in the U.S. Many are not. This is frightening,” Jen Caltrider, the lead of Mozilla’s “*Privacy Not Included” team, said.

Misha Rykov, a researcher at the “*Privacy Not Included” team, claimed that reproductive health tracking apps are ignoring set privacy practices. 

“Best practices for privacy by design and by default have existed for a while, but most of the leading reproductive health apps chose to ignore them. This is scary when even the baseline security is shaky in apps used by millions of women post-Roe vs Wade,” she said.

This company doesn’t shy away from making political statements, and it takes a strong stance on any issues that come up. 

Brendan Eich, Mozilla’s cofounder and former CEO, was forced from his position in 2014. He had donated $1,000 years before to an initiative on the California ballot banning same-sex marriage.

NewsBusters revealed that Mitchell Baker, Mozilla’s CEO, said that social media platforms needed more deplatforming.

“[U]se of the internet to foment violence and hate, and reinforce white supremacy is about more than any one personality,” Baker wrote after former President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter. “Changing these dangerous dynamics requires more than just the temporary silencing or permanent removal of bad actors from social media platforms,” she added.

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