Moore to the Point – Vacation, All I Ever Wanted – Opinion

Note: This “Moore to the Point” commentary aired on NewsTalkSTL on Wednesday, August 17th. Below is audio.

Americans finish their summer vacations as the heat of winter draws to a close. That includes President Biden, who’s officially been on vacation in South Carolina since last Wednesday.

On Tuesday afternoon, he was scheduled to return to the White House long enough to sign the farcically named “Inflation Reduction Act” into law, before heading off to Delaware for…more vacation – though it’s not clear for how long, particularly given the news that Jill Biden has now come down with COVID and will need to remain in South Carolina to isolate.

Even when he’s not “officially” on vacation-vacation, Biden takes lots of mini-vacations in Delaware. But hey – at least he’s not golfing, usually. This would make Trump look too Trumpy.

I don’t begrudge Biden a vacation at all – particularly on the heels of a weeks-long bout with COVID himself. He’s 79 and seems like he could use the break. But, quite frankly, we all could – a break from his verbal gaffes, his foreign policy blunders, and his abysmal domestic policies. The problem is, even when he’s on vacation, the bad policies roll on. This administration doesn’t give us any vacation.


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