Mike Rowe Says Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act Might Just Be ‘Another Pie in the Face’ of America – Opinion

There it was. The multibillion-dollar contract was signed by Clueless Joe BidenClimate Hysteria and Tax Increase BillThe infamously named the Inflation Reduction Act — These will have little or no impact. IIncrease inflation — surrounded by clapping-seal Democrats, including West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin.

During an appearance on “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday morning, former “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe weighed in on the misnomered monstrosity in his usual everyman style. Rowe, who is followed by millions of Americans who long ago tired of political doubletalk and groupspeak, said everyday Americans will see past the bill’s name and judge it by how it impacts the economy and approves their lives — Or not.

To the latter point, Rowe asked, “Can we have bills that actually do what they say in their title?”

He continued:

We can now start to discuss the intricacies of the Inflation Reduction Act if it really does reduce inflation. But we’ve come to the point where nothing actually means what it says. And that gets us into an emperor’s new clothes kind of mentality, where it’s not one kid in the crowd going, ‘Hey, that guy’s naked.’

It’s the whole country going, ‘Wait. Is this it? Again with the name of a thing that doesn’t seem to reflect the thing?’ And so we got to peel back the layers and we have to look at it. Then we need to talk about the impact on the middle class.

To say the Democrats haven’t exactly gotten off to a good start would be an understatement.

This smoldering dumpster fire is almost certain to explode. From lying about tax increases for tens to millions of Americans in the middle class, which I mentioned at the top, to untold number of job loss to supersizing Big Government. RagingA dumpster fire is just as dangerous as any other crisis that the president with the worst record of incompetence has intentionally created.

“What the heck do I know?”, Rowe asked, in his folksy way, “If it lives up to its name, it’ll impact them in a positive way. If it doesn’t, it’s another pie in the face.” If Joe Biden has accomplished Everything during his 19 months in office, he has covered the faces of tens of millions of Americans with pie — many times over.

Rowe said: “It’s almost impossible to have a rational conversation about this because it just flies past people.” It’s worse than that. There are worse things.

This is how it should be. It is possible to have an intelligent conversation with someone on the left. About anything.Every nanosecond that a conservative raises facts, data or history is the nanosecond when a liberal loses their mind in an unattainable world of emotion (pick one or several) condemnation, hate, violence, and/or utopia. (See: Antifa riots, post-RoeThreats to kill Supreme Court justices or their families (et al.

“Years ago, when I started Mike Rowe Works, the skills gap consisted of 2.3 million jobs,” Rowe observed.

The number of unemployed was the main headline every day. That’s what we were fixated on, 10 million people out of work. It became difficult to speak of a few thousand open jobs. Today there are 7.5 million jobs available and very low unemployment.

He then nailed it.

And we still can’t get it into our heads that the existence of all of that opportunity must mean something. It must say something about who we are as a people and what we’re elevating in terms of work. And I’m afraid what it says is not really good.

What it says, in part, that is “not really good,” is the Democrat Party has spent six decades breeding “takers,” disincentivizing large segments of society from Work for your living, while at the same time condemning “makers” — particularly those who make “too much,” and demonizing creators of jobs, all the while devising scheme after scheme with one commonality: Redistribution of massive wealth

Why? Because George Bernard Shaw once famously stated:

The support of Paul is always available to a government that steals Peter.

Never have more powerful words been spoken in political speech.

Never forget: AllThe Democrat Party’s proposals, oppositions, acceptances or rejections may be linked to the poll box using no more that two dots. In the instance of so-called Inflation ReduplicationTake action, even when they are forced to lie like a dogThe Donald loves to use the phrase “Unconditional”

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