The rules of the DOJ were different depending on which party you supported, even before Trump was elected to the White House. The FBI and DOJ were actively seeking Trump, his associates, and their political agents, such as James Comey or Peter Strzok. After Trump left office and Merrick Garland took the reins at DOJ, Garland’s moral compass has been pointed in one direction – anything that helps Democrats is where he goes.
Domestic terrorists are parents. Grandmothers who take selfies get sent to jail. People in Trump’s orbit are perp-walked off airplanes and handcuffed for extra humiliation. If you protest against the conservative SCOTUS, in contravention of federal law, then you are granted a pass. Hunter Biden’s laptop is suppressed because of politics, but Ashley Biden’s diary is treated like stolen nuclear blueprints. Journalists’ homes are raided over Biden’s diary. An unnecessary raid on a former president’s home, in violation of the 4th Amendment’s prohibition against general warrants, are forms of intimidation not by a tinpot South American dictator, but by the Attorney General of the United States.
Merrick Garland has claimed he performs his job “without fear or favor.” Only one of those verbs is accurate. Garland doesn’t fear congressional oversight. Capitol Hill is on his side. The unrestricted backing of Democrats in Congress, and the brains in the Oval Office give him their full support. The FBI also supports him.
He can point his “moral”compass in any direction. It always points in the same direction–whatever helps his cronies in the White House and Congress.