Maverick’ Is Still a Box Office Powerhouse, Threatens One of Disney’s Records – Opinion

The box office isn’t doing so hot right now, and yet Tom Cruis’s second outing as Peter “Maverick” Mitchell is still raking in the dough even as it entered its 12th week of release.

Variety took note of this lackluster moviegoing and even asked everyone if they were on vacation. It revealed that outside of Brad Pitt’s new movie “Bullet Train,” nothing else really did anything noteworthy as far as garnering ticket sales goes. In fact, “Bullet Train” raked in $13 million this weekend while everyone else couldn’t surpass $10 million.

Buried in the article was an interesting paragraph about the movie that came in second for this weekend, and it was none other than “Top Gun: Maverick.” The flick managed to rake in just over $7 million, and what’s more, is threatening to knock Disney/Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” off its spot as the 6th most grossing film of all time.

What’s more, as Variety details, this is happening in the movie’s 12th week of being out:

With the dismal turnout for most other movies, Paramount’s ever-powerful blockbuster “Top Gun: Maverick” swooped to second place in its 12th weekend of release. Unprecedented business continues for the action sequel, which added $7.1million from 3181 locations over the weekend to bring its domestic total up to $673.8million. That means “Maverick” is roughly $5 million away from dethroning Marvel’s “Avengers: Infinity War” as the sixth-highest grossing movie in domestic box office history.

While $5 million is a lot of money, “Maverick” has proved that it’s capable of generating cash, even amidst a downturn in moviegoers. If cinemas pick back up, it’s likely that “Maverick” will easily close the gap between it and “Infinity War”…and it might do it without an upturn anyway.

It’s not hard to wrap your head around why.

“Top Gun: Maverick” is hardly a movie you’d consider to be a major achievement by any production company. Its plot is basic. It didn’t have breakthrough digital artistry. It wouldn’t win any awards for marketing campaigns.

“Infinity War” was something of a monumental achievement. The culmination of decades of Disney/Marvel characters building, storylines and pushing the boundaries of computer animation to create this movie. By comparison, “Maverick” is a humble film, and yet it’s proving to be the film more people are willing to shell out money for.

This is because “Maverick” is the diamond in the rough. This is the rose in the midst of all the thorns. It’s the breath of fresh air after suffocating in a hot, stuffy room.

After years of Hollywood shoving “the message” down our throats at every turn, “Maverick” was a return to normalcy. It didn’t preach or pander. The movie was a well-told story with great acting and cinematography. This movie reminded us of the potential for movies to be great.

As I covered previously, the left seemed to be unable to truly understand what made “Maverick” successful and even seemed to get a bit defensive about the idea that it did so without pandering to woke culture.

(READ: The Left Can’t Seem to Wrap Its Head Around the Success of ‘Top Gun: Maverick’)

But the entire world doesn’t revolve around them, certainly not as much as they think it does. Very few people will show up and be taught how to live life by those who do not know how it works.

But they’ll still show up for a film to share a heartwarming story. In fact, they’ll show up multiple times to see that story.

Make no mistake, Hollywood is watching “Top Gun: Maverick” with great interest.

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