Lunatic Handmaid’s Tale Author Warns of 17th Century Christian Theocracy If Roe Falls

Margaret Atwood was the media’s favorite author. Atlantic, saying that the “17th Century” Justice Sam Alito will take us back to a time of witch trials if he successfully overturns Roe v. Wade.  Atwood was the author The Handmaid’s TaleThe anti-Christian story of women being repressed by fearmongering men, “The Fear-Mongering Tale” – he sneered “If Justice Alito wants you to be governed by the laws of the 17th century, you should take a close look at that century. Do you really want to live that way?” 

Atwood, like the press, should take care when extolling pro-abortion propaganda. Liberals often talk about creating violence through incendiary talks. A pro-life center located in Madison, Wisconsin, was just last week set on fire. 

On the 13th of May AtlanticAtwood warns that Atwood’s fictional democracy, as described in the novel, is now a reality with the Supreme Court draft ruling. 

Women had very limited rights in Gilead’s fictional Theocracy. This was not the case for 17-century New England. It was cherry-picked with literal interpretations of the cherries. Based on the reproductive arrangements in Genesis—specifically, those of the family of Jacob—the wives of high-ranking patriarchs could have female slaves, or “handmaids,” and those wives could tell their husbands to have children by the handmaids and then claim the children as theirs.

Even though I finished the novel, it was called “The Novel.” The Handmaid’s Tale,It was too difficult for me to write, so I stopped it multiple times.. It’s all a ploy. They aren’t just a distant memory: Today, there is no shortage of these dictatorships. Is there anything that can stop the United States becoming one?

This will also, it seems, take us back the Salem witch trials. 

The Alito opinion purports to be based on America’s Constitution. However, it relies heavily on English law from the 17th-century. This was at a time in which belief in witchcraft led to many people being killed. The Salem witchcraft trials were trials—they had judges and juries—but they accepted “spectral evidence,” in the belief that a witch could send her double, or specter, out into the world to do mischief. If you had many witnesses and were asleep soundly in your bed while others witnessed, yet someone reports that you did sinister acts to cows several miles away from you, then you could be convicted of witchcraft. There was no evidence to prove otherwise.

It will also be difficult to prove a false claim of abortion. A miscarriage or the claim of an unhappy ex partner will make you look like a murderer. As with witchcraft arraignments 500 years ago, revenge and spite charges are likely to multiply.

Atwood’s apocalyptic tale of the Christian right repressing women in the future is popular with journalists. On June 18, 2019, Nightline reporter Maggie Rulli cheered people who dressed up in Handmaid’s Tale costumes and red capes: 

They’ve become a symbol of protest for global women’s rights, from reproductive rights in Alabama and Georgia to equal pay and treatment in Hollywood, even protesting in London just two weeks ago during president Trump’s state visit.



In 2020, liberal media extremist Keith Olbermann called to remove Supreme Court Justice called for “removing” the “Handmaid” Amy Coney Barrett from society. 2019 Glam Magazine named her Woman of the year. 

The networks are equally guilty of Atwood’s unhinged article comparing conservatives to taking America back 17 centuries ago. 

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