On this new episode of “Lower Culture With Becca Lower,” Becca and Duke talk to Sam Jennings. who’s not only a web/graphic designer guru type, and a veteran of the entertainment industry, but he worked for about nine years for one very special artist named Prince Rogers Nelson!
Sam also had a chance recently to attend a live event in Hollywood that Dave Chappelle took part in, along with a bunch of the comedy great’s supportive friends, in the wake of some controversy that really wasn’t..
Becca speaks about the live encounters she had with the creative men. Duke regrets that he missed the opportunity to meet Prince several times while in Detroit. As per usual.
The topics in this wide-ranging conversation intertwine…from deejaying on Twitch to celebrity to controversy, and the greatness of Prince’s musical (and philanthropic) legacy to the world!
One brief aside, before you tune in…
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