Little Leaguer Gets Beaned, Hugs The Crying Pitcher – Opinion

Texas East faced Oklahoma at a Little League regional baseball game in Waco Texas on Wednesday. One batter for Oklahoma was captured in the first innings. The kid was threaded in the melon, I’m referring to that. It was amazing to see how fast the boy saw the missile approaching his head and how quick he got up. He was protected by the helmet, and he quickly reached first base.

When the batter was a runner, he recognized how badly the pitcher had been. The Oklahoma player, fresh off of having his bell rung on national TV, tossed his helmet to one side and walked to the pitcher’s mound. After that, he reached out to hug the pitcher. This was an excellent moment in sportsmanship.

You can watch the entire video here

The video was posted to Twitter. It was tempting to make a joke tweet about it. Something like: “the batter didn’t ask for a timeout to leave first base and hug the pitcher, so he’s out”. I thought twice about it and didn’t tweet anything. Why? It’s because there are way too many Twitter nannies/ninnies. The left love trolling Twitter and calling conservative baby-eaters evil. It was true.

Chris Partee, a Deadspin dork named Chris Partee posted a harsh critique of Twitter meanies’ comments about the batter hugging his pitcher yesterday. Actually, it wasn’t a scathing takedown, it was more just Partee yelling 100 words of “YOU MEANIES!”

He targeted Dave Portnoy as well as one other Twitter rando. Partee reached his real point following his Twitter rant. This is what he concluded with:

This kind of stupidity should be criminalized But then again, many of the guys belittling these kids backed “El Presidente 45,” so it isn’t shocking to see them spew their idiocy all over Twitter. I don’t care what anyone says, this was a great moment that everyone can learn from.

The Twitter conversation was followed up by a Twitter discussion. wrecked Deadspin and Partee’s inability to recognize sarcasm.

Gawker owned Deadspin. Hulk Hogan sued Gawker and made it bankrupt. Gawker lost all his assets. Deadspin had to be sold and spun off. Partee inherits the Gawker sense of humor and lack of self-awareness. Portnoy was the first to get it. Partee didn’t. He shouted obscenities about Twitter and Donald Trump. Deadspin dorks, like Chris Partee, should be criminalized.

By the way, if Partee reads this, I don’t want him to be “illegal”. Stay on the “internets”, Chris. You’re worth a hoot or two.

Sportmanship has been overrated. It was the batsman who should have initiated a fight. Baseball ain’t baseball without players throwing haymakers and missing, everything and everyone. At least the pitcher got in a clean shot to the batter’s head.

Texas East won 9-4. Boy, was that hug a mistake…

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