Lessons from Venezuela | Newsbusters

Democrats say President Joe Biden won “a strong mandate.” He can accomplish all kinds of positive things with his government!

While I do not believe that he has a mandate for office, Democrats have control of Congress thanks to Donald Trump’s selfishness, which may allow them to force their worst ideas on us. These include:

Nr. 1: Hate speech laws.

No. 2. Expanding the Supreme Court

Number 3. 3: Gun control.

It’s not. #4: You spend more.

They don’t seem aware that the “reforms”, as they are called, were only being tried in a nearby country. My new video reveals how they worked out (spoiler alert: badly).

Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s president, made Venezuela a progressive “it” nation.

Celebs like Susan Sarandon (Danny Glover), Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon gave him praise. Sean Penn described him as “one of our most powerful forces on the planet.”

Andres Guilarte from The Fund for American Studies replies, “You have to blind to believe that.”

Guilarte is just one of many Venezuelans to have risked everything in order to challenge socialist government. Guilarte fled Venezuela after the protests collapsed and sought refuge in the United States.

Venezuela’s progressive reform No. 1 makes protest even more risky. 1. The “Law Against Hatred”.

Half America’s Democrats support that, says a YouGov poll.

Guilarte says they should reconsider what they are expressing. “The ruling party… gets to determine” what hate speech means.

Venezuelan government critics now face imprisonment

No. No. 2: Two Democrats propose to add four justices to Supreme Court. Sen. Ed Markey claims that new justices will restore balance after decades of Republican rule.

Chavez added justices to Venezuela’s Supreme Court.

Guilarte says that he “changed it” from 20 to 32 people. He said that the court didn’t rule against him after this. The court allowed him to close down all opposition media outlets and seize 1,000 private businesses.

No. 3. American Democrats Want Gun Control.

Only the police, army and certain favored organizations may now have firearms in Venezuela. This made it easier for authorities to enter people’s houses and seize their property.

Guilarte explains, “You are just selling shoes in your shop.” “Some government official arrives and announces, We’re going down your shop.’ This would have been completely different if the business owner owned a gun.

“But, the government would only come in with larger guns,” I propose.

Guilarte says, “It would be incredibly difficult for us to have a culture similar to the one in America.”

Venezuela’s gun control didn’t even reduce crime. In fact, Venezuela’s murder rate rose. Venezuela now has the third-highest murder rate in the world.

Guilarte says that these laws don’t work. “But the criminals have bigger guns!” However, criminals are armed with bigger guns.

No. No.

Stephanie Kelton, Modern Monetary Theory economist says that the Federal government will never run out money. They are convinced that politicians can spend more money without worrying about inflation.

Guilarte responds sarcastically: “Well, John, it’s obvious.” That’s the way the economy works. Because money grows from trees, you can just print it.

Venezuela created money, and progressives praised it by spending some to help the poor. Inflation followed, and both the middle-class and the poor were decimated: 20%…then 100%…3,000%…40,000%. Venezuela was destroyed.

American inflation has reached 5.4%. It’s terrible, but nothing like what occurred in Venezuela.

But that doesn’t make it impossible! warns Guilarte.

Unfortunately, this is the truth.

He points out that “We were Latin America’s richest country” Venezuela was visited by people from America to start businesses.

The country is now in chaos.

Guilarte states that “everything can quickly fall to pieces.” Inflation can be like cancer. It’s unpredictable when it will strike you.

Let us learn from socialism’s mistakes.

A dangerous myth is the idea that America can be saved by massive government spending and progressive, feel-good policies. This belief has failed to materialize elsewhere.

John Stossel is the author of “Give me a break: How I exposed Hucksters. Cheats. and Scam artists and became the Scourge for the Liberal Media.”

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