Joe Biden is proposing a plan to bring down gas prices, with them hovering at near-record highs in the United States. The White House reports that the President is considering releasing one million barrels per day from strategic petroleum reserves. Further, he’s looking at using the Defense Production Act to federalize companies and force them to produce materials for “green energy” products.
Scoop: Biden admin is weighing a plan to release roughly A MILLION BARRELS OF OIL A DAY from U.S. reserves, for several months, to combat rising gasoline prices and supply shortages following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, sources tell @AlbertoNardelli @SalehaMohsinAnd me.
— Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) March 31, 2022
In an effort to increase U.S. domestic production of raw materials and decrease dependence on foreign supply chain, the White House could invoke the Defense Production Act this week.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 31, 2022
The US consumes approximately 20 million barrels per day of oil. One million barrels of oil per day could mean a drop of around 18 cents per gallon from the national average, if that were translated into the cost of gasoline. It won’t, though. Because of regulations surrounding environmental protection, much of the oil the government holds is not usable in the domestic market. Any oil that is not used would instead be exported to countries such as China or India. This could make a slight dent in oil prices, but when you think about the fact that oil is produced by 76 million barrels per day around the globe, the one million barrels becomes more important.
In other words, Biden’s ploy is completely useless. It’s also dangerous in that the strategic reserves exist to supply years of oil to the United States in the event of some kind of isolating event. They also exist for military use if oil can’t be otherwise garnered while fighting a war. Again, we are talking preparation for apocalyptic-type events, not gas prices being too high because of the left’s self-defeating green agenda.
Additionally, the Defense Production Act wasn’t designed to be a communism cheat-code for Presidents who refuse to modify their harmful energy policies. If it’s not profitable now for American companies to go gangbusters producing “green energy,” it won’t be just because Biden makes them. Such a move would also spur more inflation as the supply of the products those companies originally produced will be reduced in order to make things Americans don’t currently want to buy.
This is why the obvious solution remains for government to allow domestic oil companies to continue to operate. This is how you can gain reliable oil supply on the global market and lower energy costs. Companies will be encouraged to invest in long-term infrastructure projects, such as. provide guarantees they won’t be shut down a year from now after investing billions of dollars).
This is not difficult. Well, unless you are a nearly 80-year-old geriatric who clearly doesn’t even run his own administration. In the end, these moves by Biden, if they come to fruition are simply meant to signal that he’s “doing something.” It’s the equivalent of shipping out at-home COVID tests knowing that the problem of spread was not a lack of testing. These are the only things Democrats will ever do. When they aren’t directly destroying America’s prominence and strength, they are virtue signaling by taking pointless actions not meant to actually solve the problem.
So let’s drain our strategic oil reserves and go full USSR on American companies. There are many things that could go wrong.
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