Now that the dust has settled a little bit from the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it’s time for Jennifer Rubin to come out of the woodwork to pen a truly egregious opinion piece for The Washington Post.
Titled “The Supreme Court eviscerates abortion rights and its own legitimacy,” Rubin mainly summarized the dissenting opinion given by the court’s liberal minority, dramatically proclaiming, “The court’s decision is so emphatic, and so contemptuous of the principle of stare decisis,That One wonders if the court’s unvarnished radicalism will eventually rouse millions to its threat to precedent, law or reason..”
Stare decisis has been appealed to multiple times in the first few hours of reaction in defense of RoeA definition of the term is likely to be appropriate. According to Cornell Law School, “When a court faces a legal argument, if a previous court has ruled on the same or a closely related issue, then the court will make their decision in alignment with the previous court’s decision. The previous deciding-court must have binding authority over the court; otherwise, the previous decision is merely persuasive authority.” Simply stating that the court has ruled twice before in favor of abortion does not force the Supreme Court to uphold it, as some seem to believe.
Rubin notes, “The dissent also underscores the enormous damage to women’s self-determination, autonomy and equal status as persons. The majority opinion rightly criticizes the confused history, noting the fact that the Constitution wasn’t ratified by women before they had their vote. In other words, the court makes masculine dominance an imperative constitutional principle in the 21st-century..”
It is absurd. The 14th Amendment states, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” The vote is a right that has been extended steadily since our nation’s founding, while the “right” to abortion not only has no legal precedent prior to Roe but is a clear deprivation of a child’s life.
Rubin makes much ado about the dissenting opinion’s questioning of Kavanaugh’s neutrality, asking “would he say that the Court is being ‘scrupulously neutral’ if it allowed New York and California to ban all the guns they want?”
The Second Amendment clearly enumerates the right of people to keep and bear arms.
However, Rubin’s craziest claim is that the Supreme Court wants to institute a Handmaid’s Tale-style confessional ethnostate, “The hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty of the court’s right-wing justices lead to the conclusion that These men have been made super-legislators, free to view the United States in a white, Christian, and male-dominated way, regardless of the choices, beliefs, and values of the majority (330 million) of modern Americans..”
But Rubin’s screed is tame compared to her unhinged Tweet the hour after the opinion dropped:
Jesse Watters, Fox News’ host on Friday night, tweeted the message. The screen then said that they were just making up the words. Watters said “I don’t even know what that means. I’m pretty sure that the U.S. Supreme court didn’t legalize the right for doctors to murder pregnant women. Or giving birth to people.
This position is completely different from Rubin’s previous 2012 position, when she was a huge Mitt Romney fan. Then, she stated that elective abortions have nothing to do about women’s healthcare.
One has to wonder how much more fuel on the fire articles and Tweets like these will pour on the “Night of Rage” planned for tonight.