‘IM. BACK’! Defiant L’s Twitter Account Censored for Alleged ‘Ban Evasion,’ Reinstated

Twitter suspended the anonymous Defiant L’s account that exposed embarrassing liberal hypocrisy.

The Defiant L’s Twitter accountIt is famous for tweeting pictures of absurd tweets made by well-known liberals, or headlines that were later contradicted in the same way or from different outlets. A Twitter spokesperson told MRC Free Speech America that the account was “permanently suspended for violations of our ban evasion policy.” The spokesperson explained, “we prohibit attempts to circumvent prior enforcement action, including through the use of other accounts.” Two hours after Twitter responded to MRC’s request for comment, the platform restored the account.

Eliza BleuUnidentified user claims to be the girlfriend of Defiant L’s account, tweeted a message disputingTwitter’s claim. “The word currently is ‘ban evasion’ though I’ve never had an account suspended so I’ve never had a ban to evade,” Defiant L’s allegedly said.

Defiant L’s is popular for its posts exposing blatant hypocrisy. For example, Defiant L’s tweeted A picture of two tweets from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. One tweet from DCCC on Jan. 15 reads, “Vaccines save lives. Get boosted.” The tweet appeared alongside a DCCC tweet from Jan. 22: “Republicans have no business interfering in your private medical decisions. Period.”  

An activist and author. Amy SiskindThe account was reported by the woman who claimed to have made it known. “I reported this account, and encourage you all to as well. It is a hub for disinformation,” she tweeted, later adding: “Please take the time to report!” 

Defiant L’s made a tweet in December showing two of Siskind’s seemingly contradictory tweets. The top of Defiant L’s graphic showed one of Siskind’s tweets, dated Aug. 24, 2020. “Trump is taking a page from Putin’s playbook, and trying to bully the FDA into making a COVID-19 vaccine available before Stage 3 of testing is complete!  He will kill us all! 71 days,” she wrote. You can find the bottom of this graphic at tweet from Siskind on Nov. 11, 2021. “Boosted!” she exclaimed. “Had an appointment I made last week. Read the public health advice and listen to them.  Trust Science.” 

Free speech advocates did not take well to Twitter’s permanent suspension of Defiant L’s account. 

Ben Shapiro hosts The Daily Wire commented that the account, “made the crucial error of screenshotting tweets people on the Left didn’t like –And then got suspended for that. Sounds legit.” OutKick Founder Clay Travis similarly called it “beyond absurd” that “Twitter has suspended the @DefiantLs account which exists merely to illustrate liberal hypocrisy on @twitter.” MRC Board Advisor and senior director of policy at Conservative Partnership Institute Rachel Bovard and Mary Katherine HamA writer is Atlantic and CNN commentator, both tweeted “Bring back @DefiantLs.”

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