I Agree With Will Smith – Opinion

Guest op-eds do not always reflect the opinions of the author. RedState.com.)

While I am probably not the majority, I do agree with Will Smith’s Oscars speech. It is clear that too many of us are content living in the fantasy world.

It’s considered “proper” and “professional” to allow people to say disrespectful things about you or your family while you smile, take it on the chin and accept it. You’re considered out of bounds if you respond like a normal human being would to being disrespected.

It’s everywhere. It’s easy to hear people say some of the most vile and evil things on social media. However, once someone responds, the problem becomes real. These are people that I like to call “internet thugs.” You’ve all seen an internet thug before. They’re the ones who act like Billy Bad Asses on social media by saying things that they would never say face to face.

This is how we view it in traditional media. In their minds, they are allowed to say whatever they want about whoever they’re talking about. Public figures and athletes as well as politicians are allowed to speak out about anyone they choose. They are not afraid to do anything. But the moment you respond, you are a “threat to Democracy.”

We’ve all been told that this world is normal. It’s not. There’s nothing civilized about cooperating with the assassination of your character. But you must choose your battles. You can’t fly off the handle at everyone who makes you mad. That could lead to serious consequences in today’s world. There’s a very, very small list of things that are worth getting shot over. It is important to choose the right battles. Everyone has a story.

Imagine dealing with constant disrespect for your spouse, family members, or any other issues in your relationship. Imagine taking most of it on the chin because that’s the nature of the job you signed up for. But then imagine someone that you know personally mocking your wife’s medical condition on national television. Everybody has their own line.

All of us have been taught by the world that everyone should be free to speak what they want without fear. That’s not how it is in the real world. You have freedom of speech, but you don’t get to dictate how someone else responds to what you say.

Mike Tyson said, “Social media made y’all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.” Personally, I think a little healthy fear of getting punched in the face for being a habitual line stepper would be helpful in today’s world of keyboard warriors and internet thugs.

(Darvio is The CEO of FCB Radio Network, and The Outlaws Radio Show co-host.

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