Hispanic Journalists Drag Jill Biden for Comparing Them to ‘Breakfast Tacos’ – Opinion

No, that headline isn’t satire. Jill Biden did actually compare Hispanics to “breakfast tacos” on Monday while speaking in San Antonio. She also apparently can’t pronounce the word “bodega,” instead going with “bo-gah-da.” Was she trying to cop a faux-Spanish pronunciation to up her street cred? The First Lady has a history of such, including her infamous “si-se-podway” gaffe during the 2020 campaign.

As RedState reported, these latest flubs came during something called a “LatinX IncluXion” conference, which can be translated to “Democrats want to lose Hispanic voters.” And while the right has had a good time with the “breakfast tacos” comment, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists didn’t find it funny at all.

The statement accused Jill Biden of slandering her speech writers and Jill Biden for inventing such an idea.

I’m honestly surprised the NAHJ put this statement out. You’d expect most of them to be Democrats given nearly everyone in the press is a Democrat, and no one on the left is handled with kid gloves more than Jill Biden. It was just a bridge too far. Or perhaps the Hispanic vote is shifting to journalism? You’ve got to love the snark about “Dr. Biden and her speech writing team” needing to “take the time in the future to better understand” Hispanic cultures.

Still, I’m left wondering how this happened? As someone who has traveled to many Central and South American countries, I can assure you that, much to my disappointment, they don’t all eat tacos. It would be reasonable to expect that the First Lady and her team know this, but she kept it simple with her comments. This is just stupid pandering. Yet, for reasons completely unknown, Jill Biden went with the “breakfast tacos” line anyway.

Democrats are ignoring the fact that they have a problem with Hispanics. This is an even bigger red flag. The fact that the First Lady even appeared at an event that included the made-up, ridiculous word “Latinx” was a huge misstep. Democrats should be looking for normalcy and reconciliation with Hispanic voters. They shouldn’t lean into the leftwing lunacy that alienates them. Yet, here’s Jill Biden talking about “Latinx” and “breakfast tacos.” If she was actually trying to make Hispanics recoil in horror, what would she be doing differently?

This case is an excellent example of the destructive effects of hubris in politics. Democrats who had believed that Hispanics were part of the permanent majority are now refusing to accept that this has changed. Instead of changing their message, they continue to hammer on with woke-ism. Don’t get me wrong, as a Republican, I’m happy to watch the meltdown, but as a political observer, it makes me wince.

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