Tanya Contreras Wheeless, a Republican candidate running in Arizona’s Fourth Congressional District in Congress, is calling out a House Democrat over “sexist and racist” remarks she says he made about her.
After Gallego attacked Wheeless for her use of her married name, Ruben Gallego was called to task by Wheeless. Fox News reported that Wheeless replied to Gallego via Twitter.
“Hey [Ruben Gallego]!” Wheeless wrote on Twitter. “Many women change their last name when they get married, but that doesn’t change who they are or where they came from … I am proud of my heritage and who I am – today and every day.”
Wheeless described the comments by Gallego “disappointing, but not surprising.” Democrats have had a long history of racist remarks, but they always seem to blame the Republicans for ‘racist and sexist’ remarks.
Continued by Wheeless
“Attacking me for using my married name is sexist and racist. …
When and where I like, I’ll use my name. I am proud to be part Mexican, part Canadian and 100% American, and I’ll never stop fighting for the American dream.”
Both the Republican and Democratic parties have experienced racist or sexist comments. The Democrats sound like they’re all anti-racists and anti-sexist. Only Republicans can do that.
Just to name a few recent incidents: one in 2020, when then-candidate Joe Biden told Charlemagne Tha God, “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
In 2021, during the Gavin Newsom recall effort in California, an LA Times contributor and California State University Los Angeles professor called candidate Larry Elder “a Black face on white supremacy.”
Most recently, when First Lady Jill Biden was in San Antonio, Texas, at a “Latinx IncluXion” luncheon, she was speaking to the crowd about diversity when she said, “As unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio…” She also mispronounced bodegas, calling it “bogidas.” This is the result of constant pandering by the left.
The tables seem to have turned. Republicans should continue calling out Democrats for racist and sexist comments more often than ever.