Gavin Newsom Treats His Job Quite Casually Considering He’s Kept California in a State of Emergency for 20 Months – Opinion

Is California in a “state of emergency” over COVID, or not?

A situation of emergency means that there is imminent danger. The term emergency means a serious situation, which must be managed closely daily. If you’re called away from work for an emergency, your response isn’t to grab lunch first, take a post-meal smoke break, and then wash and wax your car before you head out to see what’s going on. You race out the door and head to the scene and you don’t leave until the immediate emergency has passed or been dealt with in some way.

Yet, this is exactly how Governor Gavin Newsom has been treating the COVID “emergency” in the state of California.

On March 20, 2020, Governor Scott declared the first State of Emergency (SOE). He has maintained emergency power for 20 months with an iron grip. He’s used the SOE to justify school closures, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and business restrictions. His SOE orders have been used by cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles to justify even more extreme measures, such as vaccine passports. Los Angeles has now turned McDonald’s employees into health officers, as every indoor dining space in the city must now check for vaccine papers before allowing people to dine indoors.

An “emergency” implies that the state of California is on the precipice of disaster, and emergency measures must be taken to avoid that. The very definition of an emergency is something immediate…imminent.

Even as the shipping and health industries are deteriorating, so is the governor’s attendance at lavish weddings or attending his relatives and friends events, seemingly without a care in this world.

Is it a situation of emergency?

Yes, it is normal for a father and husband to take time to care for their families. If that father and husband happens to be Governors of the largest state in America, it would not surprise me if he disappeared for two weeks, unless people start asking questions. You wouldn’t expect that in an emergency.

Emergencies can be very short-term. You get that call at work — your house has burned down. Yes, that’s an emergency. However, you don’t need to remain in an emergency situation for more than two years. After the initial assessment and arrangement are completed, it is time to move onto damage control. Eventually, your home’s destruction becomes an issue to solve, rather than an emergency. The house moves from “pandemic” to “endemic.”

California has been telling us for twenty months now that we’re in an emergency. It’s psychologically cruel. It is impossible to live for so long in an emergency state. Our state has begun to feel the effects of constant uncertainty.

If we are standing on the razor’s edge between a corporate death and survival, then just where the hell is Gavin Newsom?

Newsom must be in the office every day unless there is a real emergency. He should also keep his hands clean and avoid contact with others. He certainly shouldn’t be out socializing. He’s used the SOE to shut down the livelihoods of millions of people across the state and currently, that SOE is giving him the political power to tell parents they must give their children an experimental vaccine or risk losing their right to a public education. If this man is going to try to force me to inject my child with something I don’t feel is safe for her, then I fully expect him to be sitting at his desk 24/7 until this “emergency” has been dealt with.

We aren’t in an emergency situation, but that is not the truth. Our Governor’s casual lifestyle over the last couple of weeks certainly proves that, as do dropping COVID numbers across the state. There are currently 12 COVID cases for every 100,000 people. Hardly “emergency” numbers.

But while he carries on with his life as usual, I’m supposed to believe that the situation in California is so dangerous that if I don’t get this brand new COVID vaccine for my child, we may all perish.

This state’s only crisis right now concerns leadership. We find ourselves in an emergency of leadership and are asked to submit to its will.

It’s unconscionable. It is pathetic. It is sad.

It is obvious. Newsom keeps the pandemic dollars flowing as long as he keeps that “emergency” going. Rest of us are free to pound the sand.

There is a school choice initiative being proposed for the 2022 ballot and it is going to be a huge deal…bigger than the recall. Millions of parents will face reality with the upcoming school vaccine mandates. School choice is the way to go. The initiative will be supported by even those parents who do not want to get masked and vaxxed. This will provide a means for them to isolate their children from unwashed people who choose to avoid living in constant emergency situations. It’s a win-win for everyone except Newsom and the teachers’ unions.

Newsom has proven he’s not interested in moving California away from this SOE and he’s not interested in solving the emergency. Newsom may regret how casually he treated the pandemic as it waned in American society. Perhaps soon enough, the real emergency will be how he funds his bid for the White House after his casual approach to his state’s emergency status causes millions of parents to defund the teachers’ unions in a massive exodus from public schools.

Maybe it will happen, maybe not; but the Governor should not make the mistake of imagining that we parents aren’t noticing his uncaring absence in the face of what he wants us to believe is a life and death battle for the health of our children.

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