CNN host Don Lemon pushed back at Colorado Democratic Representative Jason Crow on Wednesday’s Don’t forget Lemon tonight. The left is challenging Crow on his party’s position and, ultimately, what he will do in order to resist the recent turn of the system. Roe v. Wade.
Lemon, pushing from the left, asked Crow just what his party will be doing in the future to provide for the needs of woman, and why they haven’t done it 50 years prior when they had the chance.
Instead of answering the question upfront, Crow first expressed to Lemon just how important voting matters will be in this next election And he rancorously boiled down upcoming elections as between “one party wants to protect women and abortion rights, one party wants to top it and harm millions of American women.”
Of course, Lemon didn’t push back on that description of Republicans given the nasty things he’s said about them in the past.
Crow pushed the agenda that “we have to win elections. We got to maintain a majority… we have to save millions of people.” Even going too far as to say, “That’s what’s at stake between now and November,” insinuating that millions of Americans will die in the next five months; Democrats are the ONLY ones that can stop them. Stating, “Yes, the ballot box and what going to happen between now and November does matter.”
Neglecting to answer Lemon’s question about the past and only stating plans for the future, Crow when on to explain what the Democrats plan on doing with the Women’s Health Protection Act and ending the filibuster to actually help women; Lemon called him out once again for not answering the original question: “do you think your party was slow to act?”
“There are even Democrats now and supporters of abortion rights we are saying Democrats have done nothing, what did they do? Part of the blame, they are part of the blame for allowing this to happen, Democrats are,” Lemon added.
Crow admitted that Democrats had to do more, but still held firm on the belief voting is the place where change must happen.
As Lemon pointed out, “many Americans are looking to Democrats to do something to safeguard reproductive rights… people are not satisfied just being told to vote this fall when Democrats currently hold power.”
Asking about November elections Lemon probed, “do you think it’s going to discourage people who are going to say, you know, Democrats didn’t protect our rights, why should we trust them to do it now?”
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CNN’s Don’t forget Lemon tonight
Eastern, 10:22.49
DON LEMON: I’m wondering what, you know, everyone was thinking, who was part of this insurrection, meaning who were threatened by insurrectionists on the outside, right, our lawmakers and the- the staff and – and support group and police officers. What do you suppose Trump would have done if he had not wanted to travel to Washington with all the other people?
REP. Jason Crow (D-CO),: No, I’m not sure. Never have I ever tried to get in the side, the mind, or the heart of Donald Trump. It’s not something I want to do. My opinion is that it won’t lead to anything positive. It would be a bad place. We need to see, sorta, the whole story behind this committee. The number of individuals who possess very valuable information which is vital to our nation, our democracy and our public safety but have not given it up or withheld the information until the time they are required to provide the information. Is there more, many, or even hundreds of them? These people have vital information. Tonight, my message to them is that our country requires you to speak up. This information is needed. The American people should hear your story about how this administration behaved. We must be able make this right. We cannot fix it until we understand what has happened.
LEMON: A Congressman after the Supreme Court had struck down Roe V. WadeMany Americans want Democrats to protect reproductive rights this week. People don’t want to be told they have to vote in the fall, even though Democrats hold power. It was actually last week, so I ought to have stated. Now, I wonder what the Democrats are going to do.
CROW: We have to ensure that women’s data is protected. There’s a lot of information available in the marketplace and public domain that can be used to identify women who are currently in dangerous places and states. This is why we are looking at ways to secure that data. As an Armed Services Committee member, I am looking at how to protect female military personnel who are assigned to states that don’t treat them as citizens equal, or where they have limited access to healthcare. This is unacceptable. How can we help these female soldiers? We must win at the polls. But I won’t deny that it is a political problem. This is a problem of politics. It is necessary to get seats. It is important to keep majority support. If we lose, or if the people elect Republicans, then guess what? They are going to vote in favor of a federal ban on abortion. This will result in millions of women being affected. It is important to vote and see what happens between now and November.
LEMON: Did you believe your party was slow in implementing reforms? You mean it took fifty years to codify RoeIt was impossible.
CROW: It never took place. The Women’s Health Protection Act has been passed several times now through the House. Now it will die in Senate. Because the filibuster has outlived its purpose, I believe it should be removed. It has had a complicated history. It must be eliminated.
LEMON: Congressman, these are the things that you’re saying
CROW: — to actually carry out the will of American citizens.
LEMON: These statements are what you have said that you would do. However, how about the past 50 years? There are many Democrats who support abortion rights and are now saying Democrats didn’t do anything. They are partly to blame.
CROW: It is possible, but not recommended. Roea codification of the past? Absolutely. Yes, we should have done more. I’m not sure how anyone can argue that we didn’t. However, we’re in this position now. It is necessary to win the elections. It was possible to keep a majority. We needed to increase the Senate majority and save millions. This is what will be at stake from now until November. It is important to concentrate on the things we can do to help these people.
LEMON: What do you think? Do you believe this will encourage Democrats, or should I say people who are pro-abortion, to vote in November? It’s possible they have lost track of it. I don’t know. Our memories are very brief at the moment. Are you positive it will encourage or discourage?
CROW (English): There is a wide range of issues on November’s ballot. Our democracy’s future, our rule of law and climate crisis are all up for debate. Every day, I reject the idea that Republicans and Democrats are incompatible. It really does matter. It doesn’t matter who wins and who sits in the seats. One party supports women and their rights to abortion, while another party opposes it, causing harm to millions of American women. It is that simple. No, I don’t always agree with Democrats. Although I am proud to be a Democrat, I will disagree with my party only when necessary. It’s also in my best interests and the good of my area. It doesn’t matter who holds the seats. Who is dedicated to truth matters. What matters is who’s committed to democracy and who wins these seats in November. People need to speak up. Although I don’t intend to give any advice on how to vote or what to do, it is important to exercise your rights and to follow your heart. Look at your ballot, and take action.
LEMON: Thank you, Congressman. Your candor, and time are greatly appreciated. I am so grateful.
CROW: I’m grateful.