Former Blackface-Enthusiast Dan Aykroyd WANTS Cancel Culture to Happen

Dan, you ignorant slut! Cancel Culture is not something that can be understood.

Dan Aykroyd (SNL) is a legendary comic actor and he is now supporting any cultural movement that threatens the very industry that brought him to fame. He thinks that cancelling culture can be a positive thing.

Now that he’s made his living on comedy, he can now retire to let the mob destroy this new generation of comedy. Let’s see.

Aykroyd signaled his support for cancelling “hurtful” jokes in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, and while we understand that Aykroyd wants to be a good man and wants the world to be a happy place, his reasoning is foolish.

“There is enough range in humor where you don’t have to go scatological and you don’t have to go pulling any divisive cards to get a laugh,” he explained. Ok that’s fine. Many comedians make cheap shots or say things are that gross, but then again, that’s their prerogative. One man’s “too far” is another man’s “not far enough.” 

Aykroyd thinks that people can force jokes from this subjective spectrum out of society. “But there is more intelligent writing that can happen if you stay away from the offensive material that should be rightly canceled for its hurtfulness. Today, who can make an impression? That’s an area of discussion,” he mentioned.

But again, Mr. Aykroyd, who is the arbiter of what’s hurtful? Twitter mobs that are increasingly upset at normal American attitudes? That’s what produces cancel culture.

Aykroyd continued being a useful idiot on behalf of the radical left’s most effective tool of oppression. “Can I do my James Brown imitation?” he asked. “He was one of my best friends. His voice is pretty impressive. But maybe I shouldn’t anymore.”

Is it possible? Sure, there will be cries from the mob that you’re a racist, but is that necessarily true? We presume you’ll continue doing impressions of other people. This is basically your submission to the mob who only accept straight, white, male people. You might be the racist.

It seems that Aykroyd wants to conform to the dictates of cancel culture in order to avoid the terror of the reign. 

After all, this current unhinged mob would definitely deem Aykroyd worthy of the figurative guillotine for his past jokes, to include his famous utterance “Jane, you ignorant slut!” and all the other lines from that legendary corresponding skit. Kind of sexist, isn’t it, Dan? 

Or what about when Aykroyd – as BoundingIntoComics pointed out – “wore blackface in the timeless comedy Trading Places, starring alongside Eddie Murphy”? For these types of crimes, there should be severe punishment.

So either Aykroyd should advocate for his own removal from society posthaste, or do whatever any sensible person – like comedian Dave Chapelle – would do: encourage people to take a freakin’ joke.

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