Folks Complaining About Pop Culture Don’t Understand the Breitbart Doctrine – Opinion

In this country, celebrity is everything — Andrew Breitbart.

RedState today featured a variety of subjects that I covered in a series of articles.

AOC Doomsday Countdown Clock Update: We Don’t Have Much More Time Left on Earth

An Obama-Biden Former Official Recognizes That President Biden has a Problem At Our Southern Border

New Report Says Russians Shot Down Their Own Plane – Is Putin the Russian Biden?

Ricky Gervais Shares the Joke he Would Tell About JadaSmith on Oscar Night

One of the pieces is political and three others are about pop culture. But the pop culture article about Ricky Gervais, his hilarious verbal attack on the Will and Jada Smith Oscars disaster this Sunday was the one I hesitated to write. Why? You might ask.

Because of an article I wrote yesterday — Will Smith REFUSED to Leave Oscars Ceremony After ‘the Slap,’ According to New Report — to which I received a response that gets a bit tiring to receive. The response is one that I have seen many receive who’ve commented about the mess that Will Smith created with his nonsensical reaction to the harmless joke Chris Rock told.

Below is a selection of responses that I received regarding the article about Sunday’s show.

Who REALLY, ONESTLY gives a s.. t about any of this PEACES OF S…T in HOLLYF**KINGWOOD!!!

Now, getting this or any response is not a problem — I enjoy going back and forth with people who have a reaction to any of the pieces that they read here at RedState, even if they are not my own. It is a true honor to see people react, even when they are having a negative reaction. It reminds us that we can still reach each other here at my bioRight Click HEREThere are many places I want to go back.

Now in the example above, I did finally respond with this remark…

By commenting on the article, you just gave a $hit. @AndrewBreitbart
One time, politics was downstream from pop music. So you can ignore that but I won’t. It’s also fun to make mockery of it.

Andrew Breitbart greatly influenced me and tens, if not thousands, of other people. The best way that I’ve ever been able to describe him was that he was a human version of a tornado inside a hurricane. He was an incredible tour de force and changed how people view politics. He is too much of a pioneer to be called that and it is an insult to what he achieved in his time on the planet.

Breitbart realized early that pop culture had an influence on everything in the country, and indeed, all of world. He knew also that conservatives gave up trying to influence Hollywood’s Left Coast and this mistake had been costly for America.

So with a couple of articles I’ve done this week on pop culture subjects and with some of the blowback that I received, I was beginning to become a tad bit hesitant to continue to write about this. I was able to recall the Breitbart doctrine and one the most famous phrases Andrew had used to simplify it for me.

The following is the Breitbart Doctrine

Breitbart Doctrine

The Breitbart Doctrine is the idea that “politics is downstream from culture” and that to change politics one must first change culture.

Chris Wylie (formerly of Cambridge Analytica) stated in an interview with The Guardian: “The reason why he (Steve Bannon) was interested in this is because he believes in this idea of the ‘Breitbart Doctrine,’ which is that if you want to change politics you first have to change culture because politics flows from culture. To change culture you must first know what units are and who they are. So, if you want to change politics, you first have to change people to change culture.”[48]

Breitbart considered the idea important and frequently spoke about it during interviews or quoted it in print. Dan McLaughlin of Redstate writes “Andrew Breitbart, the late ever-controversial right-wing gonzo journalist … used to have a saying that ‘politics is downstream of culture.’

Pop culture is the downstream of politics.

Today, this is truer than ever ten years ago when Andrew created the phrase. It seems that a large number of Americans who care about this country’s direction don’t understand this simple truth.

People may claim that they don’t care about what’s on TV or in the movies or in music because it’s all junk and that very well may all be true. Yet if you’re not actually following any of it, how do you know if it’s all junk or just some of it is junk? You can’t make that determination or make a salient argument to anybody if you haven’t at least checked in every once in a while.

Now I didn’t watch the Academy Awards on Sunday but when I started getting Twitter alerts that something had happened, I definitely checked in to see what was going on and immediately found the video of the incident between Will Smith and Chris Rock. It was that simple I began to form my opinion. Also, because I occasionally check on what’s going on in the pop culture arena, I happen to know that Will and Jada Smith are just a tad bit off their rockers and that Will Smith’s reaction was that of somebody who was not dealing in a rational manner.

I know that there are those who will argue that their time is better spent focusing on other things, and I’m not saying that you have to spend hours a day on pop culture, but you do need to have a balance in everything.

Yet I’m going to lay heavy money on the fact that the people who say that paying attention to pop culture is not all that important are also not paying attention to what was going on in their city’s local politics, their local school boards, or their state elected offices. You can see the current state of our country.

Andrew Breitbart’s quote was 100% correct. It is a great idea that people take time to think about it, and then decide how to contribute to this important issue that has such an impact on so many of our lives today.


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