Florida State Senator Turns Mask-Karen in a Bid to Help Block Confirmation of DeSantis Surgeon General – Opinion

The ongoing mask debate in Florida not only continues, but it is turning sophomoric, as now members of the state legislature are leaning heavily on the disputed nature of masks in order to derail the upcoming confirmation of Joseph Ladapo, who was recently appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis as the state’s newest Surgeon General. Ladapo still awaits Senate confirmation, but a very petulant episode may now lead to that confirmation.

Ladapo made the rounds, meeting up with Senators before the confirmation vote. Tallahassee was outraged by one visitorAs political outrage goes, Things quickly turned contentious during a planned sit-down meeting with Senator Tina Polsky. Polsky demanded that Ladapo use a mask when they gathered in her offices. She explained that Ladapo has a severe medical condition, and is at greater risk of developing COVID symptoms.

This triggered an exchange that Polsky claimed was testy and which is being used as a reason for the presumptive surgeon general to be denied confirmation. The woman requested that he don a mask to the meeting. He refused. She declined to allow him to go outside for the meeting. The meeting ended in a stalemate between the two sides.

Polsky said there was a brief back-and-forth, and then she finally asked whether there was a reason he couldn’t wear a mask. “He just smiles and doesn’t answer. He’s very smug,” Polsky recalled. “And I told him several times, `I have this very serious medical condition.’ And he said, ‘That’s OK,’ like it basically has nothing to do with what we are talking about.”

Polsky, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, took the masking steps because of this diagnosis. Yes, COVID is an issue for cancer patients, however, we’ll see that her concern level seems to fluctuate. This little tiff between the two sides that sounded absurd has turned into an even bigger problem. Polsky made public her account of the incident, which is prompting a lot of politicians to take action.

A phalanx of state Democrats rose up on social to express their outrage over Ladapo’s alleged behavior, all of them delivering the chorus that this indicates how he is not fit to be the state’s Surgeon General. This is happening without any of the state Democrats questioning Ladapo’s alleged behavior and with no explanation or comment from him. 

A senator then gives her view of the exchange. Florida PoliticsIt took him three days to write about it, so half of the legislature is outraged. Even the GOP leader, who reacted in an overreaction. But there are plenty of reasons to question Polsky’s stance on masks. As this drama plays out, there is evidence that Polsky’s position about requiring all her friends to fully cover up is not militant. It is fluid.

This photo was taken within one week after Ladapo’s meeting and well after she had been diagnosed with cancer. This is not an unusual example. She’s also snuggled in with State Senator Shevrin.

It appears that Polsky finds herself only in danger by those unmasked if they’re not part of the Democratic party. 

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