Flashback: Colbert STILL Wasn’t Over ‘Slaughterhouse’ Election Night 2016

Stephen Colbert didn’t really get over election night 2016. The “comedian” performed a live show on the night of the Clinton vs. Trump presidential election where he very publicly melted down as Hillary Clinton lost. Four years ago this week, he still hadn’t recovered. Interviewed for the interview on August 13, 2018, New York TimesEvent TimesTalkIt is the Late Show host recounted that he didn’t even prepare for a Trump win: 

We had four shows we knew that were possible: Mrs. Clinton wins and we know it, Looks like she’s going to win but we’re not sure, Donald Trump could win but we won’t know until the next day, and he’s definitely won. These were the shows we had. [first]We had the material to make three. 

He answered a question about making jokes to prepare for Trump’s win. 

I’m not saying it’s impossible, if that happens it’s like I’m hosting a show in a slaughterhouse

Like emotionally, people are going to be so raw, that I don’t know what joke–its so disastrous, in my opinion, that I’m not sure I could dance on the edge of that volcano, anyway. Let’s just let the lava flow over us if that happens and we’ll improvise, we’ll see what happens. 

[Our writers] didn’t want to write it….There was just no scenario in our head where that led to chuckles. 

Want to see Colbert’s meltdown on the Showtime program? On November 9, 2016, Colbert is seen here: 



However, right now the election seems too close to calling and is far too scary to think about. Trump’s early performance has been a huge surprise. This is one that will be a headache and an eye-opener. This feels almost like half the country wants to vote for an asteroid, while the other half is trying to avoid the end of time.

Later, talking to Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, Colbert sputtered: “What the fuck is happening?!” Also this: “If Trump wins, how about bursting into tears and yelling ‘fuck’ for the next 45 minutes?” 

More examples are available from the NewsBusters Time Machine weekly flashback series. Click here

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