Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, (LADPH), is often parodied and may even be rivaling. The Babylon Bee.
As my colleague Bob Hoge reported, not only have they shut down their social media accounts to public comment, but they have decided that it is vital to “public health” that your pet be tested for COVID, and are blithely offering free tests to pet owners and animal care facilities.
Was anyone able to look at it and consider that perhaps it might. It is notshould be taken seriously
Evidently not.
Guido, my goldfish, caught Rona in spite of all precautions. Although he initially refused to put on a mask in the tank, he eventually did so and caught Covid despite it. @lapublichealthShould I move him to a hotel or should I stay in my home until his recovery? What should the quarantine period be? pic.twitter.com/mLEj4Ez9Ub
— Barbara Stalin (@FedUpCitizenLA) August 22, 2022
Hoge said that the jokes come by themselves. People have taken full advantage. LA UprisingThis was a great take on LADPH, with some very accurate photoshopped PSAs about vaccines for turtles, skunks and dogs.
“I’m Vaccinated Because… I Want To Sniff Butts Safely”
“I’m Vaccinated Because… I Need My Sense of Smell”
“I’m Vaccinated Because… I’m Amphibious”…
It continues as it does.
Then there is this clever parody account, not only doing a play on Barbara “Not A Real Doctor” Ferrer’s name, but skewering LADPH for their lack of transparency and refusal to interact with the public they purport to serve.
We are excited to see the launch @lapublichealthNew social media account to track animal COVID I’m happy to answer all questions about the new COVID program. Serving the animals of Los Angeles is a great honor for me. pic.twitter.com/8Xpw1VrmCE
— Dr. Barbara Furrair (@Barbara_Furrair) August 22, 2022
Dr. Houman David Hemmati, who was pivotal in helping to combat Ferrer’s push for a new L.A. County mask mandate, had this perfect response:
Dr. Furrair has a PhD in veterinary social justice with a concentration on inter-breed equity and has strong connections to the animal “labor partners.” So she’s a perfect authority.
This agency is sinking deeper and deeper into trouble, despite all the jokes. Who is the idiot who admits they can’t face those whose lives they claim they protect? It’s a sad commentary on not only the depths of Ferrer’s incompetence, but is a clear indicator that the inmates run the asylum. Los Angeles County, home to close to 10,000,000 people is California’s largest county. LADPH claims to have an entire communication team with a consultant paid. Brett MorrowWho’s supposed to be running point. It is interesting that his Twitter account has been locked off to public comment.
However, this is the benefit of hiring someone who has a Ph.D.
When you cannot effectively communicate and manage the questions and complaints of the population, then perhaps it’s time to hang up playing social justice warrior, and let real adults with actual medical and communication experience handle things.
This is just a thought.
Barbara Ferrer makes somewhere in the neighborhood of $637,066 a year (with benefits and “perks”), yet she would rather sit on Zoom conference calls and blather on about protecting unions and masking kids, than engage with the public and their concerns.
Fox News’ Bill Melugin, Fox News correspondent, reminded us about a 2020 exclusive report. In concert with LADPH, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors renewed a no-bid contract worth 1.9million. The money was slated to be used for outreach and information about COVID.
Here’s a reminder about a story that I told in 2020. L.A. County & @lapublichealthThey spent taxpayer money to hire two communication firms for their COVID messaging. This has been a blatant waste of time and one of the most expensive in America. https://t.co/O7YVZxb3eW
— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) August 21, 2022
COVID Pet testing and the rest of the malfeasance from this department are just another way to make sure the COVID train runs. There are no excuses for the Los Angeles County BOS. Ferrer’s actions and continued conduct under the pretext of public health will only increase the ammunition necessary to fire her as well as to destroy the corrupt, money-laundering Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
And let’s not forget this expose documentary bringing more receipts for the cause to #FireFerrer.
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