Even Dems Stomp All Over Joe Biden’s Gas Tax Remarks – Opinion

Joe Biden made remarks earlier promoting a three-month gas tax holiday, and already he’s getting busted on his proposal.

Even CNN called him out of it being an “optics” move that wouldn’t do much to help and could make inflation even worse.

Biden maintained his lies about Putin as the reason for the rise in prices, while also claiming that he hadn’t stopped production through bad policies.

He tried to use the faces of Ukrainians under attack and effectively said if you weren’t supporting his gas tax holiday, you weren’t helping Ukraine.

Discourse the issue of propaganda.

Putin’s constant blame-mongering for Putin helps him with his people. It makes it seem that he holds more power and influence.

Average gas prices now exceed $5/gallon. But even some Democrats are saying this gas tax holiday simply isn’t a workable idea. So Biden doesn’t even have all the Democrats on this.

Chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Pete DeFazio (D-OR) says it’s a bad idea:

“Although well-intentioned, this policy would at best achieve only minuscule relief while blowing a $10 billion hole in the Highway Trust Fund that would need to be filled if we want to continue to fix crumbling bridges, address the spike in traffic deaths, and build a modern infrastructure system.”

DeFazio noted also that the state’s infrastructure projects would be in danger if they followed Biden’s advice.

Biden suggested that it should come from somewhere other than the Highway Trust Fund. Please tell me where. That’s typical Biden: “Do what I say, even if it doesn’t make any sense, even if it isn’t possible without harmful effects.”

Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker (D-CA), has previously spoken against the idea for other reasons. It’s no doubt one of the only times you will ever hear me utter these words: “I agree with Nancy Pelosi.” She explained that the “cons” to the idea were that there was no guarantee even if the government pauses the gas tax that the benefit will go to the consumer and at the same time, you were pilfering from the trust fund (just as Biden has essentially pilfered from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, meant to protect us in the event of a true emergency).

“The ‘pro’ is very ‘showbiz,’ ok?” Pelosi said. Joe Biden, paging! You don’t even have Pelosi on this.

Then, of course, the Democrat who has some sense — Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who comes from an important state for energy — is also not on board.

“Now, to do that and put another hole into the budget is something that is very concerning to me, and people need to understand that 18 cents is not going to be straight across the board — it never has been that you’ll see in 18 cents exactly penny-for-penny come off of that price,” Manchin said. [….]

Manchin, the chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, criticized the timing just before the fall midterm election.

“My other would be the political ramification. It will go off in September. Who will vote to repeal the 18-cent tax a month prior to November’s election? So, we just dig the hole deeper and deeper and deeper,” Manchin said.

The problem with Biden’s entire approach is that it is flawed. This must change. It is not enough to make reactionary, temporary moves. We need a stable, sustainable policy that supports and encourages the industry, rather than attacking it.

It is this reason that everything turned south. This attitude must change at Biden.

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