Disney Suddenly Adopts a ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Policy of Its Own to Appease Middle East Censors – Opinion

Remember when Disney signaled their virtue about Florida’s parental rights bill that the left had falsely named the “Don’t Say Gay” bill? Remember how Disney vowed to stand against the evil Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for his supposed homophobia, and how Disney courageously threw in a lesbian kiss into its “Lightyear” movie in order to show how pro-LGBT it was?

Well, apparently they aren’t that brave because they’re now stripping all LGBT content from its streaming service in Middle Eastern countries in order to appease the censors there.

Bounding Into comics says that many films have been banned from the Middle East due to their LGBT content. Thor: Love and ThunderThe, EternalsDisney decided to continue its efforts to placate censors and remove that content from Disney+, their streaming service.

“Content offerings differ across our many Disney+ markets, based upon a number of factors. Content available should align with local regulatory requirements,” a Disney representative told THR in a statement, while also stressing that the platform offers parental controls to allow families to determine what their family members watch.

To avoid offending foreign viewers, Disney+ won’t release any of the most popular Disney+ films from the past two years. It is an important shift from the way Disney treated Ron DeSantis, the state of Florida and LGBTQ content earlier in the year.

The trouble with virtue signaling is that at some point you’re going to have to put your money where your mouth is and prove that you actually have said virtue. If it means that they make money, Disney will happily allow LGBT content to be distributed overseas.

Clearly, Disney’s principles are about as weak as their Marvel Phase 4 lineup.

This is the same Disney that has lost its special tax status in Florida over its willingness to get political over the parental rights bill, which doesn’t even prohibit saying the word “gay,” but simply prohibits Florida schools from teaching children from Kindergarten to 3rd Grade LGBT curricula.

Its sudden silence about LGBT censorship overseas is proof that Disney, indeed the vast majority of corporations, don’t actually have the courage to walk the walk when their bottom line is under threat.

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