‘Devout Catholic’ Biden Says Zilch, as Attacks on Religious Communities in Roe Aftermath Continue – Opinion

The Summer of Rage against religious communities in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s June overturn of Roe v. Wade continues, as self-proclaimed “devout Catholic” Joe Biden remains full-metal crickets on the frightening attacks. “Very Catholic person” Nancy Pelosi has also refused to condemn the attacks.

As reported by Breitbart, the ongoing wave of attacks has seen radical pro-abortion activists go far beyond “peaceful protests” in front of the Supreme Court. There were many acts of violence and destruction that targeted conservative Christians and those who support life.

According to a list maintained by the Family Research Council (FRC), there have been 87 attacks on churches or “crisis pregnancy centers” since the Dobbs decision was leaked on May 2, 2022. Of those attacks, there have been 34 on churches, 53 attacks on pregnancy centers, and 23 “other incidents,” including attacks on government buildings, based on the FRC data. Yet, Biden remains mum.

Just this week, activists scrawled the threat “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you,” as well as the words “Jane’s Revenge,” in red paint at the Bethlehem House pregnancy care center in Easthampton, Massachusetts. Jane’s RevengeOne of the most extremist groups of pro-abortion activist is known by this name.

As reported by my colleague Jeff Charles in RedState’s VIP section, Jane’s Revenge appears to be named after Jane Collaborate, an “illegal abortion procurement ring operating out of Chicago in the late 1960s and early 1970s.” Jane’s Revenge, which is believed to have performed abortions on about 11,000 women, prides itself on its radicalism, slamming “mainstream activists” and their “demure little rallies for freedom.”

According to the Justice Department, the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, a 1994 law restricting protests at the entrances of abortion providers, also “prohibits intentional property damage of a facility providing reproductive health services or a place of religious worship.” And Joe? Crickets.

Biden remains silent about this issue. There is not much federal response being made to ongoing threats or attacks. The FBI announced it was investigating “a series of attacks and threats targeting pregnancy resource centers and faith-based organizations across the country,” after facing an outcry from conservative lawmakers and religious leaders, but details about the scope of the investigation have been sparse.

Bottom line:

There’s only so much Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Department of Justice, and the FBI under Christopher Wray can do, America — given their stage 4 TDS obsession with Donald Trump.

Besides, Joe Biden and the Democrat Party wouldn’t want to upset the pro-abortion crowd now, would they? It’s also why 49 out of 50 Senate Democrats in June voted in support of abortion until birth.

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