Democrat Congressional Candidate Gets Drunk at Daughter’s Sleepover, Curses Kids, and Throws up on Their Shoes; This Could Be a Metaphor for 2022 – Opinion

The increasing number of Democratic incumbents who are looking to retire has caused a lot of discussion. These departures can be due to many reasons. Some are leaving because redistricting has caused them to leave. Others have left due to the possibility of losing their seats in a difficult political climate. Most, however, see the razor-thin House majority being demolished and don’t relish life as part of the minority.

This begs the issue of who the Democrats will turn to to fight for their House majority.

Oklahoma’s Fifth Congressional District is an R+24 district; before redistricting was R+11. It was held by Republicans since 1975, until Steve Russell figured out a way to make it lose in 2018. Stephanie Bice is currently the incumbent. Bice is a strong conservative with the proper oversight, but could also be full-on Liz Cheney. She voted against President Trump’s impeachment after he was already out of office, and she also voted to not certifiy the electoral votes in Arizona and Pennsylvania. On the other side, however, she voted for the absurd January 6 Committee. She doesn’t have a primary opponent, but she–and the voters of OK-5–could probably benefit from her having one so they can get her on the record for a variety of issues.

Abby Broyles is the Bice Challenger for this race. Broyles was both a journalist as well as a lawyer. This has a direct impact on the story.

She ran against Jim Inhofe in 2020 and nearly pulled an upset…okay, I’m kidding…by polling just under 33% of the vote.

According to Broyles’ website, she’s a tool of the teachers’ union. She’s against putting criminals in prison. She’s against the oil and gas industry and afraid of “climate change.” She soft-sells her pro-abort stance as being against “laws that interfere with a woman’s ability to have a private relationship with her own physician.” Clever, eh? Her number-one issue is “pay equity,” which is a system that says your genitalia, not your experience, or education, or anything else, determines how much you get paid.

Broyles is currently at the center her own controversy.

A Valentine’s Day weekend sleepover party for tween girls that included watching the film Titanic turned bizarre and tearful after parents say Oklahoma 5th Congressional District candidate Abby Broyles allegedly became drunk and berated some of the children in attendance.

Eight girls aged 12-13 were invited to the party at the Deer Creek Public Schools parents’ home on February 11. Broyles, the mother of one the children’s kids, was said to have been at the house on the evening of the party.

Multiple reports of the event claim that Broyles got intoxicated, and she spoke derogatorily towards some of her girls. She allegedly called one girl an “acne **cker,” which prompted the girl to leave the room in tears. Broyles allegedly called another girl a “Hispanic **cker” and another a “judgy **cker.”

At one point, Broyles allegedly vomited into a laundry basket and onto one girl’s shoes.

This tweet is by the mother of one the daughters.

When she was first asked about her actions, she blamed the girl and a “political hit.”

“I saw the tweets. I have been out of town on a fundraising trip, and they are awful and offensive and false,” Broyles said. “I mean, I get trolled on Twitter all the time, but I don’t know these women and I don’t know what is behind this, but it’s just not true.”

Asked if she had even gone to the house where the slumber party occurred, Broyles said, “No.”

“I don’t want to talk about — I mean, this is ridiculous that this is becoming a thing,” Broyles said. “This didn’t happen.”

Broyles announced her candidacy for the Democratic Party’s 2022 nomination for the 5th Congressional District in September. U.S. Rep. Stephanie Bice, R-OK5, was elected first to this seat in 2020. Broyles unsuccessfully challenged incumbent U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe in 2020, capturing 32 percent of the vote. Soon after, Broyles launched a nonprofit called Grit for Democracy to increase voter participation and “ensure every Oklahoman from every walk of life is seen and heard.”

Broyles, an attorney and former KFOR reporter, threatened NonDoc with suing her for reporting on the allegations against her.

“I’m running for office. You don’t think this is a political attack? You don’t think this is something they cooked up?” Broyles said.

Asked if she meant that 12 and 13-year-old girls had “cooked up” a story against her for political purposes, Broyles said she meant “their moms.”

“I mean, I don’t know,” Broyles said. “I have no idea. This is — I’m just telling you it’s not true, and if I were a journalist I would not be doing a story, because it’s not a story.”

She’s now changed her story, perhaps thinking calling young girls liars and accusing someone who gave her 2020 senate campaign over $2,000 of participating in a political attack wasn’t a great strategy. The lie in this story is still strong.

Oklahoma Democratic candidate for Congress is trying to do damage control following reports she was drunk at a Valentine-themed slumber Party for tweens.

Abby Broyles, a former local TV reporter, went on her old station to claim that she doesn’t remember her bizarre tirade and to blame it on a sleeping medication.

But Broyles may have only made things worse when she insisted on air that she was misquoted by the news site, Nondoc, that broke the story.

“I never told them that I wasn’t there. I said it didn’t happen because he was asking about these allegations. And I had no idea because, again, I don’t remember this episode at all,” she said on NBC affiliate KFOR.

But KFOR reports that Nondoc played a recording in which Broyles did indeed deny being there. Broyles refused to respond to The Daily Beast’s inquiry about the discrepancy.

Broyles seems to be a very rare occurrence within the Democrat party. It is extremely difficult to find challengers in an election environment where there are 30 incumbent Democrats. If you lose an election, you become what is known in political consulting parlance as a “loser.” The stank of losing stays with you, and even if the environment is more favorable in 2024, you find “perennial candidate” affixed to your name…along with “loser.” In short, your political career is over. Broyles is one example of the many assassins who run without their primary opponent. Note: OK-5 is a difficult seat to win. However, OK-1 had five Democrats as their primary in 2018. OK-1 had two candidates for 2020.






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