Delicious and Disastrous Self-Own on Voting by DNC Chair Jamie Harrison – Opinion

Jamie Harrison was the DNC’s head, but it has not been without its problems.

I wrote back in January about the conflict that he was having with the White House; they allegedly didn’t feel he was carrying the flag for the party enough–that he wasn’t defending Biden enough or getting out on the road enough.

The White House has been displeased with Joe Biden for his inability to travel and meet donors, or be at DNC headquarters. Instead, he chose to stay in South Carolina. And no one has managed to figure out how to get Joe Biden’s numbers out of the basement. This description of tension came from “two dozen current and former DNC officials, White House officials, fundraisers, donors, and Democrats.” So it sounds very well-sourced. Two sources are even saying he’s been so frustrated he’s considered an escape route. He wants to run for Congress but he can’t do anything that’s going to step on Democratic toes.

“There’s blame to be shared,” said a person familiar with the dynamics who added that the White House has not been able to devise an effective political strategy or a clear message for Harrison to carry to help reverse Biden’s slide. “Has he demonstrated that he’s going to move heaven and earth to raise money and defend the administration? No. But it’s pretty impossible to defend what’s happening and not happening.”

This last bit, on him not getting enough on the road, is ironic.

Harrison was doing a remote interview about the primary in South Carolina — his home state. The interview quickly turned sour when Harrison was asked by the host if he had voted in South Carolina’s primary. It is likely that you will never see him again and it’s a wonderful self-portrait.

He said he was “supposed” to have gotten back home “today” to vote, but did not. The host rightly flips out on him, saying, “The head of the DNC did not vote?” Watch the shocked eyes of the silent guy on the left of the screen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyebrows go up that high.

“Well, it’s because I couldn’t,” Harrison lamely protested. He continues to be criticized by her, claiming he should have voted earlier. “See this is what happens,” she scolds him. “Twenty to thirty million people sit home, thinking they’re going to be able to vote[and then don’t].”

But, what does that say, when he can’t even do enough to get himself out to vote? He is trying to convince anyone to vote. Not that I mind so much because that’s great for the Republicans, but geesh, it’s your darn job. It should be your highest priority–above virtually everything else. It’s a statement of what they think of their candidates and their chances, if they can’t even do that. And if they’re not even interested in voting for their own people, why should we?

We’ll vote for people who care about their jobs and who they are serving. Right now, that surely isn’t the Democrats.

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