Court Decision in on Biden’s OSHA Mandate – Opinion

Joe Biden has announced a new requirement for businesses that employ more than 100 workers. They must have their employees either vaccinated, or masked regularly and tested. Biden’s team tried to override the federal government’s right not to dictate to private companies by trying to impose the OSHA rule as an Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It was to take effect January 4.

Joe Biden isn’t so quick.

Today’s ruling by the 5th Circuit prohibits this vaccine mandate.

The court granted the stay, ruling that there were “grave statutory and constitutional issues.” A stay means they’re stopping it from going into effect, while they continue to consider the merits of the case; It isn’t a decision on the merits of the case yet, but it’s a good indication from their language that they find big problem with the mandate.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott cheered the ruling, noting his state “will have [their] day in court.”

This is a good sign for future mandate decisions, which will drive Joe Biden crazy. Meanwhile, the Administration had been considering the possibility of even extending the mandate further — to businesses with fewer than 100 employees — and this will certainly put a cramp in that.

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