” … he felt bad shaking Defendant’s husband’s hand knowing what he was doing with Defendant … “
A California judge deferred the sentence of a 41-year-old married woman accused of having sex with two minors who were in dating relationships with her teen daughters, ABC affiliate KFSN reported Monday.
According to KFSN, the Tulare County judge said the indicated sentence of five years probation with a six-year suspended prison term for the woman involved, Coral Lytle, was not appropriate.
Prosecutors in the case allege Lytle plied the two underage victims, both freshmen at Redwood High School dating her daughters, with cigars and alcohol when she would meet them in the California town of Visalia for sex.
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“The crimes in this case committed by the defendant involved great cruelty and callousness especially considering the defendant took advantage of a position of trust to molest two boys who she met when they were in teenage dating relationships with the defendant’s daughters,” a court document stated.
According to court documents, one of the victims felt remorseful about having sex with Lytle after meeting her husband. His last sexual encounter with the married woman took place in October of 2017.
“(Victim) stated this was the last time he had sex with Defendant because he felt bad shaking Defendant’s husband’s hand knowing what he was doing with Defendant,” a Tulare County Deputy District Attorney wrote in a brief.
Parents of one of Lytle’s alleged victims, who was 15 at the time, called police in 2017, the IB Times reported. An investigation revealed another possible victim, 14-years-old, also in a relationship with the Tulare woman.
She was charged with 12 felony sex counts, including lewd acts upon a child and oral copulation.
Lytle’s husband filed for divorce days after she was arrested, records show.
Growing social awareness regarding sexual misconduct and harassment has left the abuse of young men by women under the radar, leading some to resent the seeming double standard.
Writing for Salon in June of 2008 about the phenomenon of older female teachers having sex with their younger students, Carol Lloyd suggested the purported double-standard has to do with “how the power imbalance between men and women may influence the way society regards statutory rapists.”
A study published in the Journal of Social Psychology in 2011 tested the theory that “male teachers are judged more harshly than female teachers for engaging in heterosexual intercourse with a student” and found that “a reverse sexual double standard was revealed, in which participants judged situations involving male teachers more harshly than they judged situations involving female teachers, but only when the sexual contact was teacher-initiated.”
There is arguably a dark side to society’s nonchalant attitude toward the statutory rape of underage boys. Last year, 18-year-old Corbin Madison was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot after being molested by a married teacher who was convicted of having sex with four underage boys.
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