CNN’s latest poll DroppedThursday afternoon, and while Inside Politics host John King went through the devastating numbers for President Biden (including 58 percent disapproval), he sought to cushion the blow by insisting his many accomplishments aren’t “sinking in out in America” and stemmed form a “failure to communicate” by the White House.
King started with the top line number of 41 percent approval to 58 percent disapproval, calling it a “bad” and “tough number” for any president headed into a midterm election. As for why, King noted a “fascinating” finding of when, King’s words, voters were asked “what has President Biden done for you that you approve of,” 56 percent said “nothing” or “disapprove of” everything he’s done.
Acknowledging the American Rescue Plan and the bipartisan infrastructure plan, King spun the poll numbers in a somewhat optimistic tone as signs not of incompetence or a failure of progressivism, but rather a feeling their deeds haven’t been “sinking in out in America.”
Before offering any more spin, King went through the items that other voters were satisfied with.
15% say that the President helped the economy. Six percent claim the coronavirus can be taught. You can see his personality traits and foreign policy here. However, this is still a shocking number due to the lack of communication about the successes of Biden’s administration. The COVID pandemic, without doubt, is making the President feel worse. His position on COVID has fallen to the bottom.
Noting strong majorities of respondents described their psyche on COVID-19 as “angry” and “burned out,” King said that attitude has made it “hard for the President to break through, even if things are getting better.”
Prior to bringing in his panel, he highlighted Biden’s 62 percent disapproval on the economy but, again, he offered qualifiers:
There is a drop in the unemployment rate. A record number of job creations was achieved by President Obama. The President’s economy management is disapproved of by 62 percent. Americans pay more for groceries and gas each day.
A few minutes later, he circled back to the 56 percent rating of Americans saying they haven’t felt like Biden’s done anything positive for them and lamented “the American Rescue Plan…had a lot of help for American families”The infrastructure bill was also approved. “an enormous, big deal” Even though “Americans don’t feel it yet.”
King was a psychologist and helped to determine if Americans should give Biden more points for just trying to help the country.
It will take several months for the Fed to get this right. It is unclear when the voters’ psychology will kick in and say, “Okay, president was dealt a difficult hand.” This is changing. Let me — let me turn, change my mind and give him some credit because the numbers right now and where the intensity is in the electorate. This is how the President handles his job. Only 15% say that they approve strongly while 27% say that they approve somewhat. Take a look at those who disapprove strongly: 41 percent.
King’s soft landings were brought to you by advertisers such as Ensure and Whole Foods Market. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.
To see the relevant CNN transcript from February 10, click “expand.”
CNN’s Inside Politics
February 10, 2022
Eastern 12:04 pmJOHNKING: We’ll now get to the brand new CNN poll results. And you’re going to see how inflation and broader doubts about the COVID recovery are dragging down the President’s standing. Let’s focus first on the threshold figure. How do you rate President Biden? Let’s see how poor these numbers are for President Biden. 41% of Americans approve at this time, or just four percent. Nearly six in 10 — 58 percent — disapprove. This is a difficult number to find in the midst of a presidential midterm year. This is why? It is amazing. It is amazing. 56 percent of Americans — nearly six in 10 Americans, that means, a decent amount of Democrats — said nothing, they disapprove of everything that has happened. The President will confirm that the Rescue Plan was passed. We have passed bipartisan infrastructure plans. America’s infrastructure plan is not at risk. 56% of Americans don’t say anything. All of the events have been disapproved by them. 15% say that the President has made an impact on the economy. Six percent claim the coronavirus can be taught. You can see his personality traits and foreign policy here. However, this is still a shocking number due to the lack of communication about the successes of Biden’s administration. The COVID pandemic, without doubt, is making the President feel worse. His position on COVID has fallen to the lowest point. Why? This is the answer. 75% of Americans feel burned-out. 60% say that they feel angry. Only 58 percent are concerned. Half — 49 percent — say they’re confused, 47 percent do say they’re optimistic, so as the numbers come down, maybe the President can turn this dynamic. The President can’t break the ice with a frustrated country right now. Take a look at this line regarding inflation and economic performance. Although the President’s approval rating for the economy was at 49 percent in March, this is now down to just 37 percent. The economy was disapproval at 44 percent and 62 percent respectively in March. This is how inflation has affected the economy. It is now at a record low. A record number of job creations was achieved by President Obama. The President’s economy management is disapproved of by 62 percent. Americans pay more for groceries and gas each day.
Eastern 12:07 PM
KING. It is striking to see, Seung Min. The 56 percent who say nothing are disapproving of everything. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican, an independent or a Democrat they have passed the American Rescue Plan. It provided a lot for American families. Although the bipartisan infrastructure program is only beginning to kick in, it was huge and significant. But Americans are still not feeling it.
Eastern 12:08 pm
KING: This will take a few months. This will be a lengthy process, even if everything is correct at the Fed. It is unclear when the voters’ psychology will kick in and say, “Okay, president was dealt a difficult hand.” This is changing. Let me — let me turn, change my mind and give him some credit because the numbers right now and where the intensity is in the electorate. This is how the President handles his job. Only 15% say that they approve strongly while 27% say they are moderately satisfied. The remaining 41 percent disapprove, however, is impressive. Again, a midterm election year, it’s all about energy, anx — and sometimes anger drives midterm politics. The President’s critics feel strongly right now and his supporters don’t seem to care.
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