Cam Newton’s “Sexist” Comments About Modern Women Aren’t Wrong – Opinion

Cam Newton, one of the NFL’s most talked-about quarterbacks, is being talked about right now, not for his ability to throw a ball but because he’s apparently made some sexist comments that the internet is naturally going nuts over.

It happened during theA Million Dollaz worth of GamingNewton’s podcast began by talking about his traditional, strong family. He grew up with three parents (his mother, father and grandmother). It was from his mother and grandmother that he learned what a woman was, and it’s nothing like the modern women of today, which he referred to as the quintessential “bad bitch.”

He elaborated upon being asked by his host.

“A bad bitch is a person who’s just, you know, ‘Girl I’m a bad bitch, I’m doing this, I’m doing that.’ I look the part but I don’t act the part,” Newton said. “There’s a lot of women who are bad bitches. And I say bitches in a way, not to degrade a woman but just to go off the aesthetic of what they deem is a boss chick.”

“Now a woman for me is, handling your own but knowing how to cater to a man’s needs. Right? And I think a lot of times when you get that ascetic of ‘I’m a boss bitch, Imma this, Imma that.’ No baby! But you can’t cook. You don’t know when to be quiet! You don’t know how to allow a man to lead,” Newton said.

Feminists and white knights alike have come out to denounce Newton’s take on modern women with all the vitriol and nonsensical accusations you can imagine. That’s to be expected. In our society, any man that glances at the traditional gender roles of a woman is subject to social sanctions.

But let’s take a step back for a second and really consider what he was saying. In truth, Newton isn’t actually all that off in his comments. In fact, it’s safe to say he’s pretty spot on.

I’ve written about this kind of thing before a few times. Women have taken too many liberties with the feminist narrative, believing that they are infallible, powerful women. However, this has made them victims of a patriarchal society. Many women hold those beliefs while simultaneously believing men are as stupid as they are childish and that relationships should be one-sided affairs where men are meant to be subservient simps who must work to earn the love and adoration of women while a woman’s mere presence is sufficient payment enough for the man.

(READ – Men are tired of hyper-sexualized women)

Modern women are raised learning that they should expect things from a man, but what they aren’t taught is that they have expectations to meet of their own. Today, such a behavior would be considered sexist. As a result, there’s a swath of modern women who have no homemaking skills, are emotionally abusive to their boyfriends/husbands, and have the communication skills of a toddler, yet they have entirely high expectations for their men.

It’s a one-sided kind of relationship that, if it ever gets to marriage, usually ends in divorce. As a result, men are pulling out of the marriage game in droves leaving many women to wonder “where the good men have gone.”

(READ: Women Want to Know Why Men Don’t Want to Marry Anymore…Allow Me)

But men aren’t wrong to walk away and while even many a modern man won’t admit it, it’s because we’ve broken away from the traditionalism that used to keep marriages strong. To be clear, this doesn’t necessarily mean women need to get back in the kitchen and become the 1950s housewives you saw on television, but a key component will need to make a return in order for men and women to get back to good.

This component includes mutual respect.

She should be happy to serve her husband as she is to him. As he expects her to make him feel loved and appreciated, she should try to empower and uplift him. She shouldn’t dismiss him during disagreements and should consider the possibility that she might be wrong. He is expected to act similarly.

Sometimes, silence is better than fighting every battle. That, and men are natural leaders that don’t just have the ability, but the desire to be their family’s head.

To Newton’s point, this kind of thinking is going extinct. When asked by men to share anything, be it food or just a word of encouragement, many women feel insulted. Any man who needs reassurance is considered weak, regardless of how little or far-fetched. The man is often wrong and the idea that a man should lead the family is a social sin is so severe that women playing the housewife role are being canceled.

Men will be told by women that it is women who run the world, and they need to let the women lead the way. This is done while women continuously tell men to “man up” and are stressed because they feel like they have to consistently take the reigns. It’s confusing, and fewer and fewer men are willing to deal with it. Watching men flee the dating/marriage pool at the rate they have would be fascinating if it wasn’t so sad.

It gets even more interesting/tragic when you find out that modern feminism has left women more unhappy than they’ve ever been.

Expect a man to be a friend in their relationships. Her ability to help the family and in the relationships should not be underestimated. You should have the ability to clean up, cook and listen well. Her children should have good values. He’s certainly considering and attempting to meet these expectations. We’ve been taught to do so.

If she refuses to do any of this over some false ideal of “empowerment” then men should feel no shame or guilt for passing her up.

In short, it’s okay for a man to not want a useless, self-absorbed woman. She’s a big part of his life and if that part is going horribly, then so is the rest of him.

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