Rep. Byron Donalds’ (R-FL) took the CPAC stage with smooth strides, and a polished demeanor. He is an emerging star of the Republican Party because of his grace and confidence. He is able to communicate conservative principles clearly and take part in the fight.
Donalds’ speech was short, sweet, and to a fine point. He exhorted,
“CPAC… we got some work to do in about 8 to 9 months.”
No kidding. Donalds examined the sad past and tactics of the Democrat Left and discussed the socialist agenda they tried to implement over the last year. American Rescue Plan. You can build back better. You can help us build back better.
Donalds was eloquent in this part of his speech.
“They want to indoctrinate our kids. It’s more than gender identity, it’s more than CRT. They are indoctrinating our children to make them think that socialism is somehow equivalent to capitalism,” he said.
“They’re not giving up on these ideas. They are determined to go further. They killed Keystone Pipeline, they’ve opened up our borders, they want to spend massively.”
But Donalds didn’t leave it at gloom and doom (thank God). He responded,
“We’re going to fight them this November.”
Donalds taught the CPAC audience how to fight this socialist agenda. He also showed them how to get back control of their minds, which have been ensconced in leftist doctrine in school. Similar to what I advocated in my Black History post on Melvin B. Tolson.
“This economy, this society, has allowed a kid from Brooklyn, NY who grew up poor to actually have choice to serve in the House of Representatives or be out in the world and make lots of money,” he said.
We often assume these choices are automatic, even when they threaten. Donalds was once more eloquent in his speech.
“But we gotta fight for it, folks. CPAC… we gotta fight for it!
“The battle for our future, the battle for our country, the battle for our economy is in every public school, every private school, every charter school, and every home school across America.
“We can win this battle. This battle can be won in a very easy way. ONE. We must all be part of the culture, Folks. They are mine, and I created a new life. They can personalize everything in their lives.[…].
“They have at their fingertips the very manifestation of a free market economy that a free society allows. They have the ability to literally ChooseWhatever they wish.
Donalds summarized his points in this challenge for young people that is easily understood by all.
“So, the political question of our time, for all young Americans, is do you want to still be able to choose whatever you want whenever you want it at a moment’s notice, and be able to get it? Do you prefer to listen to Joe Biden or do both?
“You see, CPAC, I believe we can win that argument. I believe that conservatives can win that debate every single day.”
Yes, it is possible, but engagement and activation are required. Really, that’s all being an activist is—lighting the fire under someone. With Donalds’ good words, we can spark the minds of our young to find, take back, and keep their righteous minds, and their ability to choose.
“A society based on religious freedom, A society based on economic freedom, A society based on political freedom is the only society that works not just in America, but around the globe, and we can get it done, and keep it here in these United States,” he ended.
Here’s the full speech.