BuzzFeed News Promotes STD’s, Sex Doll BFF’s, Kink Parties and MORE!

I didn’t plan to vomit at my desk today, but when I went over to BuzzFeed News plans changed.

BuzzFeed News has a reputation for spreading woke propaganda, and ridiculing the lunatics on the left. This week it also sought to push and promote sex-related stories for the whole internet to freshen up on during it’s “Sex Week” campaign. 

BuzzFeed claims to present “news” that covers “what you care about.” I can assure you that I didn’t care to see any of these pieces on its site. 

BuzzFeed News’ most prominent, and currently the main story of its day, is male sex toys. As I was looking through my computer’s screen, two realistically sized male dolls appeared to me.

“Male Sex Dolls: They’re Not Just For Sex, Actually” was written by BuzzFeed News contributor Hallie Liberman and published on Thursday. Liberman highlighted that men can use sex toys as companions. Liberman recounted one woman’s story about how she “became smitten” with a sex doll when her husband became paralyzed. You’ll also find detailed photos of the sex toys in this article and their ability to make people feel more alone.

BuzzFeed News also presented an article titled “People Who Take SSRIs For Depression Often Can Either Have Orgasms Or Mental Health, Not Both,” by Loren Cecil. The article discussed possible side effects of antidepressants on sexual intercourse, and driving. This topic may be something to talk with your doctor about, but BuzzFeed News has no medical authority and should not discuss it. 

On Wednesday, BuzzFeed News released a piece called “How Well Do You Know Sexy TikTok Slang?” by Katie Notopoulos. This article actually serves as a quiz that allows people to find out how well they understand the meaning of common phrases, words, and emojis used on TikTok. TikTok prohibits certain language related to sex so users may have created their own terminology in order to discuss it without being banned. I scored 20 percent on the Quiz. It’s not a test I regret failing.

Anna Fitzpatrick uploaded the fourth highlight article Tuesday. “Sex Parties Are Back — Unless You Aren’t Into Men” is what she named it. I was able to vomit out of my mouth. The author detailed what “kink parties” and “sex events” are and provided a plethora of woman-on-woman nearly nude photographs. 

We are grateful.

The fifth on the list was also posted Tuesday and titled, “Why Is Genital Herpes Still So Stigmatized? Influencers Are Working Hard To Change That.” The author, Katie Camero, talked about influencers who are trying to normalize having a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Ew. It was also suggested that people talk on social media about their genital herpes. 

All of these articles are part of a larger series called “Sneaky Links: Stories About Sex — For Your Eyes (And Group Chat) Only.” None of the articles provided graphic content warnings and honestly none of them are appropriate to be shared on what claims to be a “news” outlet.

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