The Sunday episode of CNN’s The Most Reliable Sources Brian Stelter ridicules Fox News in his usual patronizing manner for its in-depth coverage on crime in American cities.
Stelter used a number of banners to communicate to Fox News’ audience the fact that crime has increased by a lot in the last year. As they ran along the screen, the CNN host was hyperbolic and described the headlines.
Here are some banners from Fox News over the last few days. You get the sense that America’s gone to hell, declining quality of life, America as a apocalyptic hellscape, that was one of the actual banners. This is a narrative that’s both anti-Biden, it’s also anti-Democrats who run urban areas and it goes on and on every hour. Just a small sampling. Biden administration’s a clown car driving off a cliff.
Then he made this laughable statement “the kind of incendiary rhetoric that you would’ve never seen from another channel let’s say during the Trump years or now during the Biden years.”
Oliver Darcy, Stelter’s sidekick, claimed that Fox News executives were hypocrites because they planned to hold two events in New York City after covering crime in major American cities.
As if that wasn’t bizarre enough, Darcy compared Fox’s coverage of crime to an Instagram filter claiming You start with an actual image, then add the filter to it and increase the volume by 1,000%. The result is distortion. This does not reflect reality. It started as an accurate portrayal of something but the end result is totally different, it’s no longer an accurate portrayal of reality and I think that’s what Fox’s coverage with crime really is.”
Next, it was Washington PostColumnist Catherine Rampell accused Fox News de wanting “To scare people and make them live in fear” She then implied that Fox is fear-mongering “about the things that are not actually mortal threats and then there’s ignoring the things that are mortal threats.” Fox was later accused by Rampell of saying that climate change and Covid are not real.
Prevagen & Vicks bring you this clip of Brian Stelter mocking another news channel’s coverage on rising crime. You can contact them about biased news that they finance by linking their information.
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CNN’s Reliable Sources
11.08 AM
BRIAN STELTER: Let’s take a look at the imagined drama that Fox News presents every day. We’ll start the scroll. Here are some banners from Fox News over the last few days. You get the sense that America’s gone to hell, declining quality of life, America as a apocalyptic hellscape, that was one of the actual banners. This is a narrative that’s both anti-Biden, it’s also anti-Democrats who run urban areas and it goes on and on every hour. Just a small sampling. Biden administration’s a clown car driving off a cliff. That’s a great example of the kind of incendiary rhetoric that you would’ve never seen from another channel let’s say during the Trump years or now during the Biden years, etc. Oliver, you wrote about this in our newsletter this week, it felt like Fox went up another notch this week when it came to how they described crime and, yes, there is a crime problem, but the way it’s described on Fox, you’d be afraid to leave your house.
OLIVER DARCY: Yeah, two points, Brian, one, as Fox is describing these cities as apocalyptic hellscapes their executives this week decided they announced that they’re going to be holding two major events one in New York City and one in Los Angeles over the next few months.
DARCY : Okay, that’s one. DARCY: That’s one. The executives clearly don’t believe the messages they are trying to sell their audiences. Two is that there’s a lot of truth in what they are saying, just like you mentioned.
STELTER: It always exists.
DARCY: The rise in violent crime. It’s kinda like that to me.
STELTER: Based on some metrics and in certain ways. Other stories, however, are often very disturbing and receive a lot attention.
DARCY: It–I kind of think of it as a Instagram filter Brian, you know you start with a real image and then you take the filter and you pump it up 1,000% and what you’re left with is distorted. The reality it reflects is not what you see. It started as an accurate portrayal of something but the end result is totally different, it’s no longer an accurate portrayal of reality and I think that’s what Fox’s coverage with crime really is. Yes, it is true that there are issues in certain places. But, what Fox is presenting is inaccurate.
STELTER: Instagram filter, that’s gonna stay with me. It’s the most accurate way to explain it. Catherine: When we discuss polls that show most Americans believe the country is in a bad direction, and when we refer to polls that indicate most Americans feel doom, it’s important to tie the polls back to media coverage.
CATHERINE RAMPELL (Chair): They’re clearly getting this message through the media they consume. You just scrolled through a set of headlines and I felt my blood pressure rise.
STELTER: What could you do? We should’ve all worn measurements to tell.
RAMPELL, Yes! It’s not the end goal. This kind of coverage is designed to scare people and cause fear. Ironically a lot of the fear-mongering is about the things that are not actually mortal threats and then there’s ignoring the things that are mortal threats, you know, Covid isn’t real and climate change isn’t real. These things seem to be a bit more frightening or scarier than they were in the past few years.
RAMPELL: Instead, it is about immigrant hoards, the senile President of Critical Race Theory brainwashing children, and other things you don’t know, or exaggerated created outright.
STELTER: Catherine, Oliver. Both of you are very grateful.