Any country that is not able to grasp the social justice values of a country should try to adopt them. Japan’s experience with the attempts of the far left infiltrating and taking over its culture has shown this to be true.
A feminist movement had grown in Japan. But it seems that many young women are turning away from it.
No, I’m not kidding.
Datosjam says that women are being attacked by the movement and feminists are in danger of losing ground in the land under the rising sun. Like in the west woke culture seeks to destroy femininity, making it seem that being a woman is weak or problematic. It’s a narrative that has found a ton of success in the west thanks to decades of pushing it through mainstream culture, but in Japan, this narrative is failing.
Japanese women seem to love their femininity. Their feminine bodies are what the feminist movement is trying to make women ashamed of. Their breasts, in particular.
Raiden Bell (Japan writer) wrote an article about feminists attacking large-breasted women and telling them to cover them in order to avoid discrimination.
The controversy that caused an exodus was caused by an image of a Japanese model Saya Kane posting on social media. Feminists claimed that the image highlighted Akane’s breasts. It actually doesn’t emphasize Akane’s breasts. The woman is wearing modest office attire and speaking via a telephone. Akane has a bigger breast than usual.
“Aren’t they crushing diversity in an attempt to embrace diversity?” asked Akane.
Feminists went so far as to suggest that she reduce her breasts surgically and that not doing so is “selling your sex.” They hurled insults at her such as calling her a “typical penis-loving woman without honor” and “trying to take advantage of men’s sexual desires.”
A woman who tries to attract the gaze of the man is what woke culture wants to force upon us in the west is a sinful woman.
Moreover, Japanese feminists have declared that larger breasts are “deformed” and “associated with mental disability.”
This was too much for Japanese women, who started to reject the feminist movement. Funny enough, it didn’t stop there, and further rejection of feminism came from its criticism of an unlikely source.
Manga artists are known for drawing women with smaller waists and bigger breasts. Or, they draw them in ways that are more appealing to women than the norm. This is something that Japanese feminists are very upset about. However, interestingly data from the article shows that 70% of manga artists are female. The majority of these manga artists are between 20 and 30 years old.
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Feminists attack manga by attacking women, which is an important part of Japanese culture.
In their attempts to shame and isolate women, feminists are actually shameful and isolating themselves from extremism. Japanese women appear to have less difficulty with it. While it seems to be happening at a much faster pace in Japan, here in the states we’re seeing something rather similar. Woke culture is trying to eliminate women and destroy femininity. And the more that it does, the less American women seem to accept it.
Japan’s leftist culture appears to be losing its grip once again.
Recommendation: Do not attack the breasts.