Records suggest that the former darling of the Disinformation Governance Board Nina Jankwowicz was one of President Joe Biden’s donors.
Federal Election Commission records show that Jankowicz donated at least $380 to Biden’s campaign and $280 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2020 electoral cycle. The most recent donation records suggest she contributed to Biden’s election efforts on Oct. 10, 2020, four days before release of the now-verified New York Post Hunter Biden’s laptop is a bombshell. And 12 days prior, she recited leftist talk points that were echoed by the Hunter story was part of “a Russian influence op.”
The news comes after Jankowicz played the victim on MSNBC’s All In with Chris Hayes by claiming the assertion “that I’m just a partisan actor was wildly out of context.” The public record evidence linking Jankowicz directly to the current president shows otherwise.
Jankowicz resigned from the DGB following the Department of Homeland Security’s pause on the board’s efforts due to widespread backlash. “[U]nfortunately and ironically we were undone exactly by a disinformation campaign coming from folks who apparently want to put our national security behind their own personal political ambitions,” Jankowicz later whined on the May 19 edition of CNN Tonight. But Jankowicz’s donations to Biden clearly reveal her “own personal political ambitions.” JankowiczHe is acknowledged to have propagated false Trump Russia collusion talking points. These range from debunked Alfa Bank narratives from 2016 to praise for speeches that parrote the Steele Dossier. But she’s not the only Biden donor that was leading the DGB.
FEC records also showed that DGB “co-chair” and Department of Homeland Security Principal Deputy General Counsel Jennifer Daskal donated at least $1,150 to Biden’s campaign and $950 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2020 electoral cycle. Yet another conflict of interest could have been created. What’s worse is that Daskal previously worked for liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros as an Open Society Institute fellow, as MRC Business and MRC Free Speech America recently exposed.
MRC discovered two additional connections between Daskal-Soros and two others.
The connections included Daskal’s tenure as senior counterterrorism counsel for the Soros-funded, anti-Semitic Human Rights Watch and her liberal blog Just Security, also funded by Soros. Soros provided at most $32,106 746 for Human Rights Watch from 2000 to 2014 and $675,000 for Just Security between 2017 to 2019. National Review contributing editor Andrew McCarthy referred to Daskal in 2009 as a “left-wing activist who advocated on behalf of al Qaeda prisoners” while working with Human Rights Watch.
So much for former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s pledge the censorship board would “operate in a nonpartisan and apolitical manner.”
WATCH: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki pledges “nonpartisan” Disinformation Governance Board (May 2, 2022, White House Press Briefing).
The MRC made 22 attempts through emails, phone calls, emails and Twitter direct messages to verify Jankowicz’s FEC donation records. MRC reached out the White House and DHS as well as the Wilson Center. Jankowicz previously worked as a “global fellow” for the government-funded think tank.
The White House didn’t answer the inquiries and referred MRC Business to DHS, but the department hasn’t responded to phone calls, emails or Twitter messages. MRC Business repeatedly tried to contact Ryan McKenna (Wilson Center spokesperson) for comment, but was unsuccessful.
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