Boston University Publishes List That Connects Students to Teachers With Similar Sexual Interests – Opinion

Was your college experience influenced by teachers who shared similar sexual desires to you?

Future Boston University alumni will answer, “Yes.”

The school has published for students an “Out List,” which allows them to seek and meet those on staff who are sexually aroused by similar things.

“Welcome to the BU Out List!” the online announcement reads.

The list springs from the college’s LGBTQIA+ Task Force.

In 2019, the Force “identified the following barrier to visibility”:

While LGBTQIA+ staff and faculty are all present at BU, the mechanisms that allow community members to connect outside of a few units are limited. As a result, the vibrant spectrum of the University’s LGBTQIA+ community remains largely hidden, both within BU and to prospective faculty and staff. Faculty and staff at BU frequently commented on how this invisibleness was pervasive. They believed it meant that there was an uncomfortable environment.

Next year, it was game-changing:

In 2020, under the purview of the Boston University Diversity & Inclusion (BU D&I), the LGBTQIA+ Faculty and Staff Community Network (FSCN) was formed. Eager to collaborate, members of Q, BU’s Queer Activist Collective reached out to the newly formed network about creating a university-wide platform for students to connect with and learn more about queer faculty and staff.

“Within the LGBTQIA+ FSCN,” the news release reads, “a committee of BU faculty, staff, and undergraduate students from Q convened to address the lack of visibility in the LGBTQIA+ community at BU and to create the BU Out List.”

Inspired by the embrace of the Boston University Medical Campus Out and Ally List, the Out List “connects and makes visible the vibrant LGBTQIA+ community that resides at BU.”

Consider these points:

  • Faculty and staff who identify as LGBTQIA+ are welcome to join the BU Out List Share your expertise and support each other.
  • It is recommended that students use this list. Find mentors for LGBTQIA+ and connect with the wealth of resources our faculty & staff provide.
  • We understand that this site is meant to help faculty and staff identify as LGBTQIA+. We are grateful that you consider yourself to be an ally in our community. Our site can be used to help increase the meaningful inclusion of community members. We also encourage you to connect with the Allies and Advocates Faculty & Staff Community Network.

It’s an interesting idea. If I accurately understand what sexuality is, it’s the desire to have sex. What if we tried to link students with teachers through similar preferred methods of intercourse? It doesn’t appear wholly impossible.

Of course, the same could be said of a list connecting straight students to teachers of the same sort for “support” and “mentorship.”

As for being “seen,” it seems to me the internet has radically changed the world.

Before people of Earth lived online, there was no “visibility.” If you were in a room with anyone who possessed sight, you were seen. This meant that you needed to make sure there was nothing hanging off your nose.

Prior to our age of affirmation, we weren’t constantly informed that we only exist if everyone says so.

This is what I wrote in March.

To anyone aching for affirmation from their screen: You don’t exist because you’re on electronic display. Put away your smartphone and turn off the computer. Take off your Apple Watch. Go into the woods.

That’s as webwide “seen” as any of us were naturally meant to be.

Campus Reform suggests, referring back to the Out List that this effort could simply be an attempt in virtue signaling.

Those running the Out List plan to expand the project to include “a list of courses that are taught by LGBTQIA+ faculty each semester, as well as a section highlighting research being conducted by LGBTQIA+ faculty and staff.”

Initiatives such as the Out List are part of a broader trend in higher education of universities attempting to advertise their queer credentials, a trend exemplified by the Campus Pride Index (CPI).

As Campus Reform recently reported, CPI is an organization that allows universities to pay a $225 annual fee to be listed on their site as ‘LGBTQ-friendly’, and showcase their LGBT bona fides.

Maybe the Out List might be the Clout List.

Either way, it’s a new day for college students. Teachers with open arms are available.



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