In this episode of “As the Gender Identity Insanity Continues”…
A purported draft executive order by Joe Biden directs the attorney general to identify “necessary changes” to the Bureau of Prisons’ (BOP) Transgender Offender Manual so that the agency can “designate individuals to [federal] facilities in accordance with their gender identity,” as reported by Just the News.
Translation: Housing anatomically male prisoners in women’s prisons.
There are many things that could go wrong.
A recent Scottish study found “trans” prisoners casually “switch genders again” after release from women’s units back into society. However, that wouldn’t be the case. NeverIt can happen here in America. It’s not possible. Way.
According to Just the News, a bracketed paragraph found on the 15th of an 18-image series of grainy photographs of a computer screen obtained by The Federalist reveals the draft plan marked “draft – deliberative and pre-decisional; privileged and confidential,” and is related to Biden’s so-called “criminal justice reform.”
Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton wants to be your senator zero to do with Biden’s latest revealedExample of insane. As noted by Just the News, Cotton introduced a bill Wednesday (S-3481) that would block the purported Biden draft — which would undoubtedly deal a yuuge blow to leftist wingnuts across the fruited plain.
Here’s how Cotton explained his proposed legislation, via a statement:
President Biden’s plan to house male and female prisoners together will put women in danger. Documented cases prove that placing men—including ones who ‘identify’ as female — in women’s prisons puts female inmates at increased risk of sexual assault.
My bill will stop the president’s ill-conceived plan and keep men and women separated in federal prison.
Specifically, Cotton’s Protecting Female Prisoners from Violence ActPart of this goal is to:
- Forbid the Bureau of Prisons from using asserted “gender identity” to house inmates of one sex with inmates of the opposite sex
- To prohibit state correctional facilities from using gender identification to house prisoners of one sex alongside inmates of the opposing sex,
- Prohibit co-locating male and female prisoners for reasons unrelated to asserted “gender identity
Let’s get to the bottom of it:
Biden stubbornly continues to play to the radical-left — as his presidency and approval ratings continue to swirl down the toilet faster than CNN’s ratings — choosing to go “all in” with fringe positions in direct opposition to truly mainstream America.
The America to which Biden pledged “unity” and “a time to heal” after stumbling his way into the presidency. The America that weeps now.
Joe Biden was not a good man.
RedState has more information:
Burger King Murder Suspect Demands ‘Reparations,’ Democrats Seen Furiously Nodding in Approval
The Real Party of Diversity Is The GOP
State Department Issues the First Passport with Ridiculous Option for Gender Identity
Convicted Mosque Bomber Now Says He’s a Transgender Woman, Seeks Leniency Due to ‘Gender Dysphoria’
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