Biden Hits Lowest Number Yet as Even Dems Throw Him Under the Bus – Opinion

The Civiqs poll just hit the lowest poll number for Joe Biden’s job approval so far — 32 percent, with 57 percent disapproval. This drops to just 20 percent among independents and 67 per cent disapproval.

There are only two states in which he has higher approval than disapproval — Hawaii and Vermont — but even in those states, the approval is under 50 percent. Hawaii’s approval is 49%, and 39% disapproval is 39%. Vermont is at 46% to 38 percent.

If we look at the states that are going to have critical Senate votes in November — Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Georgia — Biden has woeful approval numbers. It bodes well in the favor of the Republican candidate wave.

But a new Issues & Insights/TIPP poll is also decimating Biden’s excuses for inflation which have included Putin’s Price hike, oil companies, shipping companies, and President Donald Trump. He’s even blamed the American people for not appreciating him, blaming their “mental health” because of having to deal with COVID. The American people don’t believe that.

Even most Democrats know where the blame lies — squarely with Joe Bidden.

The general number is 64 percent who think he’s responsible. But even among Democrats, 53 percent think he’s responsible. Among independents, it’s also a killer: 63 percent think he is responsible.

Biden’s efforts to reduce prices have been discussed louder this week, is it not? But it’s far too late to try to scramble now that he’s seeing the polls. While inflation has been plaguing Americans for over a year, he should have taken notice.

The Gallup poll is also horrific for Biden and it’s going to make him throw another tantrum because it shows how badly he is doing in comparison to President Donald Trump again. Biden’s economy score dropped 36 points since June. That is a drop of 32%. The poll also showed Trump’s numbers at the same time in his term.

The difference is stark — Trump was up a net positive on the economy +38. That’s a 70-point difference below Trump for Biden.

Finally, the net negative 32 per cent is the lowest for any election year. This includes 2010 where Barack Obama’s negative 31 score and was defeated by the Republicans by 63 seats.

It is also the lowest in any midterm year.

All the polls are backing each other up and saying the same thing — that the Democrats should get wiped out, it’s just a question of by how much.

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