Berkeley ‘Person of Color’ House Bans White Folks From Common Spaces – Opinion

There’s nothing quite like fighting racism by engaging in more racism, is there? In the latest episode of “Woke Discrimination,” we have the Person of Color House, which is an off-campus housing area for students attending U.C. Berkeley.

A photo posted on Reddit displayed the rules around having guests in the house’s common area. Under the section titled “Guests in Common Spaces,” the document reads: “Guests are allowed in common spaces but please be mindful if there are house members in the room beforehand. White guests are not allowed in common spaces (see intro).”

In the document’s introduction, the POC House explains that many of the students residing in the residence moved there “to be able to avoid white violence and presence.” It instructs students that if they are bringing a guest who lacks a sufficient level of melanin, they must announce it in the online chat and notify others “if they are white.”

But that’s not all.

In order to protect these poor, weak, and defenseless minority students, the rules also instruct members to “avoid bringing parents/family members that express bigotry” and point out that “Queer, Black, and Indigenous members should not have to avoid common spaces because of homophobic or racist parents/family members.”

The Person of Color Theme House is “a five-story, 30-room home that can accommodate up to 56 students,” according to The College Fix. Its purpose is to serve “low-income, first generation, immigrant and marginalized students of color.”

The house isn’t the only one to have faced controversy. A former member wrote a post on Medium in 2020 complaining that the house became known for its “call-out culture” that resulted from “the lack of intersectionality.”

“Several members have been criticized for being white/white passing, aligning themselves with whiteness, or allowing white violence in the house,” the author wrote.

However, the plot thickens.

The Person of Color Theme House has denied that they have an official discrimination policy. Stephen Ross, cooperative experience manager for the Berkeley Student Cooperative, told The College Fix that “neither the BSC nor the POC house has an official policy” that involves prohibiting white guests from being in common spaces.

“White people can and do live in POC house, but the focus for POC house is providing a safe and supportive living environment for people of color,” he stressed.

However, Ross did acknowledge that each of the BSC houses, 20 in all, “have their own culture and practices” that evolve over time and that the POC house members work to make sure that “Whiteness” is not “central to the experience for members living in the house.”

Apparently, people of color at the university have been impacted by “racist and discriminatory remarks made by former President Trump,” along with police killings of black men, and also “daily experiences of covert and overt racism.”

“While the members who choose to live in POC house cannot avoid every racist experience, living in POC house gives the members who live there a safe space to process their experiences and feel supported in their living environment,” Ross told The College Fix.

It is a real struggle, people.

The children are subject to so much racism they must segregate themselves from all whites, who most likely have a lot of racist views. They believe that waking discrimination is better than Jim Crow discrimination.

When I talk about how the left wants black people to be brainwashed into being hypersensitive and mentally weak, this is something I raise. This is a way to make America resentful at every perceived insult. This is nothing but a means to create tension and problems in race relations.

In my lifetime, I’ve probably encountered more racist incidents than those kids. I imagine my parents were more open to racial prejudice than me. It would be worse for my parents. The reason America has been making steady progress is that it is not perfect. As a college student, I would not have thought of it. I would also never have believed that blacks would ever need to seperate themselves from people of other ethnicities or those who were white.

The woke crowd now encourages this kind of stupidity which only makes us more soft. As with most examples of progressivism, this one will only hurt these “People of Color” far more than it will help them.

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