Befouling a Rodent Empire, Sympathy for Tax Devils, and Office Drone Olympics – Opinion

Our weekly recognition of less-than-meritorious excellence in journalism worthy of a skewed version of Pulitzer Prize consideration.

We recognize and submit worthy entries for the Pulitzer Prize Board in many categories as an extension to the media mocking enterprise at Townhall. We must recognize journalistic mistakes-excellence in order to correctly identify them.


Distinguished Breaking News

  • Kristen Welker — NBC News

Look, we get it. In the furor this week with the FBI raid-not-a-raid on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago, there was a desperate need on everyone’s part in the press to be first with news reports. Ms. Welker, in her zeal to get out in front of her contemporaries, forgot one crucial detail — having something to actually report.

Kristen leans heavily on intel coming from inside sources to detail for us that in light of making one of two decisions on the matter, Donald Trump was contemplating doing…something.

Distinguished National Reporting

There was a distinctive move made in the press to inform the nation this week that when the FBI serves a court-ordered warrant, it cannot be referred to as a “raid.” This was, of course, complete revisionism on the part of journalists, many of whom were defied by their own past reportingThe same thing.

One program featured Frank Figliuzzi (an ex-FBI fixture). This added a new dimension to the conflict. The graphic on-screen declared the FBI had raided Mar-A-Lago then, as Figliuzzi lectured how the Feds do not like using that term, the chyron was gently altered — live, during his segment.

Specialized Explanatory Reporting

  • Catherine Rampell — Washington Post

The Inflation Reduction Act was passed by Congress because of the repeated insistence from American citizens that relief be provided for the rising economic costs. Well, the very moment the bill passed, the word “Inflation” disappeared from everyone’s lips in D.C. That is because the monstrous new spending was the polar opposite of reducing inflation, but the press strove to insist on how great this new bill would be.

It was a bit desperate that the Washington Post attempted to get sympathy for the IRS’s attempt to increase its size by donating tens to billions of dollars.

Distinguished Public Service

Just enjoy that warmth you feel from the journalists when they approach us. They will tell what’s in your best interest. Here is Business Insider covering two different aspects of our society — climate change and rampant inflation — by giving us a deep explanation of why we should make the significant alteration in our diet. Stop being so selfish and just eat bugs.


The Distinguished Explanatory Reporting

  • Yasmeen Abutaleb, Tyler Pager — Washington Post

We are presented with the definition of journalistic obliviousness. Jen Psaki (ex-White House Press Secretary) spoke about Joe Biden’s amazing work lately. Also, she was gone from the White House. However, she did not mention a quote significant that was completely ignored.

“‘One of the lessons learned — a big lesson learned — was that letting the negotiations with senators dominate the public conversation was a mistake, because it made it so that disagreements about minutiae became what the public consumed, instead of how pieces of legislation were going to impact people’s lives,’ said Jen Psaki, Biden’s former White House press secretary. ‘Sometimes the best things happen in the dark, away from the public.’”

She doesn’t hesitate to say that this is contrary to the frequent bold statements about transparent administrations. But how do these reporters just overlook the fact that Psaki touts legislating “in the dark,” in the paper whose very masthead bears the quote, Democracy Dies In Darkness?!?!

Distinguished Investigative Journalism

  • Fiona Lee — San Francisco Gate

The Tragic Kingdom offers more tough news. The Gate reports that in California’s Disneyland park, one of the shops had to be closed down due to health code violations. The irony of the rodent infestation infesting an empire founded on rodent characters must be quite humorous.

Distinguished Sports Reporting

E-sports has seen a huge rise in popularity over the last few years. E-sports are a hugely successful business. Other adjunct competitions such as drone racing and video games have also been created. They may be hitting a wall with the newer component. Although it isn’t clear why there are any viewers enjoying watching colleagues work on spreadsheets in their offices, ESPN 2 hosted the All-Star Excel World Championship and tabulation enthusiasts from all over the globe were thrilled by the level of data entry skills on display.

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