One would assume, being married to Andrea Mitchell, former chairman of Federal Reserve, that she would at least know something about economics. Sadly that’s not the case and Mitchell displayed her ignorance for all to see on Sunday’s Meet the PressWhen she began arguing with Senator Mike Rounds from South Dakota about the definitions of recession.
As she did in most of the interview, Mitchell harped on the unprecedented raid on former President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago. “Given how casual he was about securing documents, that’s been well established when he was President, do you think that should disqualify him from being President again and would you vote for him if he runs?” Mitchell asked.
Rounds dodged the question. He said Republicans would be focusing their efforts on the 2022 election before they pay attention to the 2024 presidential elections. “We want to retake the House. We definitely want to retake the United States Senate,” Rounds said.
He added: “I think in doing that, our goal is to focus on what’s going on right now with the American people, we’re going to focus on the fact that inflation is still over 8.5 percent.”
Rounds then pivoted to the current recession that Biden’s policies put the country in: “We are still talking about GDP, which has been going down. You know from having breakfast with the ex-Federal Reserve Chairman that a recession is when you get two consecutive quarters. We want to see us get out of that recession.”
This statement of economic fact triggered Mitchell who shrieked “we’re not in a recession yet, but we’ll wait and see what does happen.” “Two quarters tell you differently than that,” Rounds shot back. Mitchell then falsely claimed two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth being the definition of a recession is “out of date” and “even according to Republican economists.”
In reality, that does mean we’re in a recession. This has been a widely accepted fact by everyone up until the left decided to start changing the definition of words that don’t fit their definition. As women, recession and, most recently, raid.
Don’t let them get away with it!
Allstate Investments and Fisher Investments made this segment possible on NBC. You can link to their information.
To read the relevant transcript click “expand”:
NBC’s Meet the Press
Eastern, 10:52.35ANDREA MITCHELL
SENATOR MIKE ROUNDS, R-SD: With regard to your last question, I will keep my powder dry. Right now, I believe we should be focusing on the election in 2022. We would like to retake this House. It is our goal to take back the United States Senate. I think in doing that, our goal is to focus on what’s going on right now with the American people, we’re going to focus on the fact that inflation is still over 8.5 percent.
The GDP has been falling, and we are still discussing it. We shared breakfast with the former Chairman Federal Reserve. It was obvious that when you have two quarters consecutively, then you are in a recession. We are determined to get us out of this recession and we also want gas prices to drop. These prices are still about a dollar and a quarter higher than they were when Joe Biden was elected. These are bad policies that Democrats should not be running on. It is important to keep that in mind. Once we can move on to the 2024 election, I think that the Republican will be very well-positioned. However, let’s not forget the 2022 elections.
MITCHELL : We are not yet in a recession, but we will wait to see and what happens. And for that we want you to be very grateful. Thank you very much Senator.
ROUNDS – Two quarters can be more different than that.
MITCHELL. That is out of date. This is out-of-date. According to Republican economists. It doesn’t matter.