ABC Touts Racist Minneapolis Policy to Lay Off White Teachers; Union Attacks ‘MAGA Media’

On Friday, ABC’s Good Morning America GMA3Minneapolis Public Schools promoted a policy that non-white teachers (regardless their performance) would be saved in case of layoffs and white teachers would lose their jobs, regardless of tenure status or performance.

And, on the latter’s show, the president and vice president of the teacher’s union lashed out at the blowback as “suspect”Many thanks for “the MAGA media”Even though the majority of them believe that it is wrong to reduce white teachers, they are not born in a white country. “doesn’t go far enough.”



Good Morning AmericaPlace the fill-in correspondent Cecilia Vega as your host and co-host at the table. “Teacher uproar. The controversial decision of one school district to lay off all white teachers regardless of their tenure. Can the policy be used to address discrimination from the past? What both sides are saying this morning.”

Vega set up correspondent Ike Ejiochi’s piece by adding that the language was done as part of “[a] new city contract with the teachers union says that, in the event of layoffs, white teachers could be let go, regardless of seniority in order to keep minority teachers in the classroom.”

Ejiochi worried that “[t]he efforts to diversify teachers in Minnesota”This was “ramping up”But, there was a problem. “critics say that the policy’s effort to diversify — well, the policy’s effort to actually reverse discrimination could actually be discriminatory.”

According to the school district, they insist the policy of laying off white teachers was done to both “remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination” and “support the recruitment and retention of teachers from underrepresented groups.”

After a brief soundbite of Upper Midwest Law Center’s James Dickey pointing out the fact that the Supreme Court hasn’t looked kindly to such blatant discrimination, Ejiochi turned things back to the positive with gaslighting from a far-left university professor and two Black teachers (click “expand”):

Special interest groups claim that students of colour and Native Americans accounted for 35 percent in Minnesota’s kindergarten through twelve population. However, only four percent were made up of more than 63,000 state teachers who were of color.

METRO STATE UNIVERSITY’s PAUL SPIES: But in Minneapolis, there’s that gap between the diversity of students and the diversity or lack of diversity of their teacher. This does not mean that we should pit one group of teachers against the next. [SCREEN WIPE]This site is all about helping students succeed.

EJIOCHI (Several Minneapolis-based black educators are in agreement with this contract.

LINDSEY West: They feel more connected and part of the community when they meet someone who is like them.

“FORMER EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROFESSIONAL” TRA CARTER: I would say that we would first have to start hiring more educational professionals of color and start hiring more licensed teachers of all colors.

There are more GMA3Amy Robach, Amy’s co-host began the interview by hitting a softball to Greta Callahan, Minneapolis Federations of Teachers President. “explain further why both the school district and the teacher’s union felt that this was an important and necessary change.”

Callahan made immediately her extreme-left, pro indoctrination mentality known by insisting that this policy would not be applied to white stiffs like herself. “our number one priority”Doing “what is best for students” Making sure there is “people in front of them who…they can…see themselves in.”

Then, she insisted that the move was for teachers. “extremely proud of…but it also doesn’t go far enough”It was a more apt description. “one tiny, minuscule step”A proper education system is essential.

Robach called Vice President Marsha Head with questions about March’s language and how it was reported months later.

Howard said it was “very suspect” and then also showed her venom for conservatives and parents: “[N]ow it’s coming out because some Minnesotan website decided to put it out there and the MAGA media picked it up and they were waiting for mainstream media to run with this story.”

Addition “[i]t’s a non-story,” Howard fired a shot at Robach. “So I ask y’all why? Why is this a story?”

Robach countered that ABC has “been reporting on and talking about a teacher shortage” before pivoting back to showing them sympathy (click “expand”):

ROBACH: Greta. You mentioned that there was a discrepancy between representation and actual. The numbers are — are undeniable. According to the school district, 65 percent of its students are of African descent. However, only 30 percent of their teaching staff is of this race. This clearly shows that the intention was to balance those numbers. But critics claim it is discrimination. It’s unconstitutional. Are you concerned — this doesn’t go into effect until spring 2023. What are your concerns about litigation affecting what you’ve all decided?

CALLAHAN : We care about what’s best for our students. Right now, we see children sitting in the lunchrooms under supervision because they lack enough teachers. They are our concern. That’s why we went to strike for the recruitment and retention educators that represent them. We also demanded smaller classes, mental health support, and higher wages. These are all things that will make sure our students get the education that they need.

ROBACH : Okay, it was quite a strong statement. Marsha, are you a teacher? How do you respond to critics who claim this unfairly treats long-serving, more senior teachers? 

HOWARD: My teaching career has been about 24 years. I began in a school with over 60% black students. I was the first educator they ever had that looked like me in twelve years.[T]Part of the problem is that underrepresented students have to be represented in academic and academia. African Americans, Indigenous Peoples, and people of Color. They should…[F]In this region, rankly they do not [sic]We are not paid enough[F]It is time for the oligarchs to start making some extra money. It is time for billionaires to give what they should to the state to help fund education.

Callahan closed by doubling down on how only giving job stability to non-white teachers was only the beginning, warning that “it doesn’t go far enough” and “we need to continue to take this further.”

Robach didn’t show horror or skepticism, but he gushed about their radicalism. “What you both are saying I know is resonating with so many people watching. We appreciate your passion. We are grateful for your passion.[.]”

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You can view the transcripts starting August 19, by clicking here or here.

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