2022 Banished Words – Opinion

Let’s circle back to January 2021. Jen Psaki was introduced as the administration’s spokesperson and her favorite catchphrase (when she couldn’t conjure a lie) was  “circle back”. In the first two weeks of Biden’s administration, Psaki circled back so many times America got vertigo. Psaki was told by Biden to stop returning to the beginning. It disappeared like a circle of poop around a bowl.  Her lexicon was removed.

A few days ago, the Daily Mail published a Lake Superior University list of “banned” words and phrases. Lake Superior State U has published a list of “banished” words since 1976. “Circle back” was included on this year’s list – used and overused in 2021, banned for 2022, and, apparently, forever.  You can find the complete list below of words and phrases that have been overused.

You may be asking, what is Lake Superior State University?   There are approximately 2,200 students enrolled at the university and it is located pretty close to Lake Superior. It’s closer to Saint Mary river than to Lake Superior or Lake Huron but it’s super close to a Holiday Inn ( I looked it up). There is a university basketball team. They do, however, play basketball at U. LSSU. Its annual list of banned terms has gained some recognition. Let’s get into it.

The full list and the explanation of why they are banned and banished can be found on LSSU’s website.


  1. Wait…What?
  2. There are no worries
  3. End of day
  4. All that being said
  5. Asking for friends
  6. Return to the beginning
  7. Deep dive
  8. The new normal
  9. You’re on mute
  10. Supply chain


I’ll admit to using one of the above. Maybe even two. In any event, the list doesn’t touch on the most obvious and easily the most absurdly overused word in America and likely in all of modernity. If you haven’t guessed yet, let’s take a deep dive into the new normal.

My first on the list:

Racist. Don’t ban it, ban the empty-headed use of it. It is shameful that this word was once used to describe truly horrible people.  Now, it’s used to define anyone or anything that leftists don’t like. It’s been deluded to the point that it has no more impact than taking aspirin for a kidney stone. If a leftist loses an argument, you’re a racist. It’s their catch-all. Clean air? Racist. Bridges? Racist. Math? That’s racist too. It’s theater of the absurd. “Racist” used to be the worst thing to call someone. This word has lost all weight.  You are a leftist!

This is a close second.

Nazi. Leftists use “Nazi” as a descriptor for anyone on the right. Pro-life? Nazi. Pro-border? Nazi. Do you think a man can’t become a woman? You’re a Nazi. Weather isn’t climate. Nazi. 99.9% of the people who use that term couldn’t identify what it means beyond “everyone I don’t like is a Nazi”, and lets be clear, the people closest to Nazi ideology aren’t the clowns identifying as Neo-Nazis, it’s the Antifa goons who dress in all black, hide their ugly mugs and gang up to beat up defenseless people. Ban the term Nazi and while we’re at it, ban the cosplaying Antifa clowns. Ok, I’m overusing “clowns”. Sorry.

And finally, ban and banish  “can’t even”.

Unless you’re on social media you might not be familiar with this one. It’s a sentence fragment employed by lazy people to express their emotion about something, anything.  A cute dog? They “can’t even”. It was a horrible event. “Can’t Even”. Have you ever eaten cookies? “Can’t even”. Greta Thunberg sheds a tear and screams “how dare you!” They definitely, “can’t even”.

Are you done? You too. Let’s circle back to the new normal, like, never….K?


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